Column: Mental health is essential — don't be afraid to ask for help
Mental Health Awareness is something that a lot of people shy away from in fear of being seen as weak.
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Mental Health Awareness is something that a lot of people shy away from in fear of being seen as weak.
It’s not a dangerous time to be a man.
My brother was a heroin addict for more than a decade.
Every year, 1,500 women are killed by a significant other, according to FBI statistics.
I don't like to criticize democrats, but they need to change -- drastically.
To the Editor, American colleges have a rape problem, and that includes Central Michigan University. But before the university can address the issue, they need to stop blurring, and even hiding, the problem, to the point of protecting sexual predators.
As a woman at Central Michigan University, I can say on more than one occasion I’ve felt uncomfortable or harassed by men.
More than 44 million Americans collectively owe almost $1.5 trillion in student debt, according to CNBC.
A high school boy holding a girl down, grinding himself against her and trying to take her clothes off. That boy covering her mouth to muffle her screams while she struggles to get away.
I am an American male, I stand with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, and I am not the only one.
Voters select politicians to represent them.
While walking into the Central Michigan football team's practice on Wednesday morning, everything seemed normal.
We have no shortage of natural wonders in Michigan.
As someone who has never tried marijuana, and doesn’t plan to, I can say with full certainty that it should be fully legalized for recreational use.
“The personal is political” is not a new declaration. It was first popularized in an essay by Carol Hanisch as a slogan for “second-wave feminism” during the late 1960s.
Last year, the Detroit Free Press reported a staggeringly low number of Detroit public school systems offer class in art and music-- out of Detroit’s 81 public schools, only half have incorporated the arts into their curriculum.
Studying abroad in Thailand killed my God and brought it back to life.
It seems as if the right is scared of me and almost everyone else.
According to a recent Gallup survey, only 62 percent of Americans are concerned about climate change.
At times, I’ve spent more than 10 hours in the Central Michigan Life newsroom.