GUEST COLUMN: Seeking help is not a weakness
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College is an exciting, challenging and often stressful time for students.
To the editor:
Recently, a letter was published in Central Michigan Life in response to Students for Life’s display, “What has Roe Done.”
As members of the Union of Teaching Faculty, we want to thank Central Michigan Life for initiating a much-needed discussion about the gender-wage gap at Central Michigan University. We stand in solidarity with all those who are concerned about the lack of women holding full professorships, as well as the disparity of women making top wages on our campus.
I am incredibly disappointed in the fear-mongering tactics utilized by CMU Students for Life in their recent display “What has Roe Done.”
The federal judge who recently ruled that Michigan’s ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional evidently hasn’t learned much from the past. The ancient and primitive Greeks and Romans inappropriately valued homosexual relations. Eventually, the people wised up and realized that was a mistake. Homosexual activity was deemed unethical and was basically driven underground. Even Plato condemned homosexual activity. Now – despite the fact that people have known for centuries that homosexual activity is immoral – misguided “progressives” are trying to take us back thousands of years to more primitive times. It's easy to show that all the arguments homosexuals use to try to rationalize homosexual activity are seriously flawed. It may surprise you that some colleges, like Harvard, now officially recognize student groups devoted to promoting the acceptance of BDSM – or sexually deviant bondage, discipline, sadism, and masochism. That's right – if you are a student who is aroused by smacking people around, some colleges now have groups for you. He who has eyes to see, let them see. The "logic" of heterophobic homosexuals is rapidly leading this society down a slippery slope to a more aberrant, disordered and irrational society. Legal polygamy is coming soon. Maybe down the line we'll see "marriage" between consenting adult incestuous people! Whoopee! Anyone who thinks this is progress is deluding themselves. Rome didn't fall in a day. But it did fall. Let's not join the race to the bottom. Wayne Lela Downers Grove IL 60515 (630-964-4678)
There are many negative affiliations tied to anyone who is a part of the LGBTQ community and the lifestyle that they choose to live. Similarly, there is an enormous population of people who are working against gay and lesbian rights – however, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has decided to take action against the discrimination.
When I first learned that my sister had cancer I feared the worst. I had so many questions, but did I really want answers?
In response to the CM Life editorial published Feb. 7, regarding the prohibition of firearms on campus, the Central Michigan University chapter of Students for Concealed Carry would like to set the record straight.
I knew I was exactly where I needed to be when Stephanie looked up at me after finishing her math exam and said, “I did it.”
How do I tell my family, friends and especially my sisters of the Zeta Phi Beta that I want to travel more than 9,000 miles away from home, all by myself, just to study abroad in Singapore?
Recently it has came to my attention the prevalence of Adderall abuse in college students.
Okay, I admit it – I’m a tad unnerved.
As president of VOX: Voices for Planned Parenthood at CMU, I have mixed feelings about this report card ranking.
I have read some offensive articles in this newspaper, but your article “How to get the guy while his current relationship seems to be fizzing out” is more offensive to me, as a woman, than Mitt Romney’s “binders full of women” comment.
As a true football fan, this article made me want to jump through the ceiling after I read it.
For the last presidential election and previous ones, dating back to Jimmy Carter, the Isabella County Transportation Commission has offered free rides to the polls to students, the disabled, seniors or anyone else who wanted to vote in the presidential election, but no more.
I was very shocked when I picked up a CM Life newspaper yesterday and read nothing about Monday evening when Student Government Association passed the Take Back the Tap legislation, which supports a gradual phase out of bottled water on campus.
On Monday, October 29, CM Life ran an editorial suggesting that folks vote "no" on Proposal 2. I wish here to respond to that editorial.
As Breast Cancer Awareness month winds down, I am greeted with relief.