COLUMN: CMU missed chance with Detroit Tigers event
The Detroit Tigers lofted up CMU a pitch to crush out of the park. The Tigers even gave CMU an aluminum bat to ensure that it’d be belted over the fence. But CMU swung and missed.
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The Detroit Tigers lofted up CMU a pitch to crush out of the park. The Tigers even gave CMU an aluminum bat to ensure that it’d be belted over the fence. But CMU swung and missed.
“Simply put, job one is jobs.”
Following the success of the mediocrity that was “Avatar,” 3D tech seems to have become the norm.
Tragedies can bring out the best in people; unfortunately, they can also bring out the worst.
Yes, I eat rabbit food. I do so proudly.
There is a certain energy Central Michigan junior forward Andre Coimbra brings to the floor when he’s called upon from the bench.
If you’re just now tuning into the Central Michigan wrestling season, that 3-6 dual-meet record might be a little deceiving.
Of all the tragedy involved with last weekend’s shooting in Tucson, Ariz., I found nothing more personally heartbreaking than the death of 9-year-old Christina Taylor Green.
Haiti had a rough year.
I’m surrounded by people who are perfectly content with adequacy — or worse, mediocrity — and it is no longer acceptable.
Most heterosexual female twenty-somethings, even the attention-seeking few who have occasional make-out sessions with other girls at crowded bars, don’t face too much scrutiny concerning their sexuality.
Why did I do that?
Dear state Rep. Kevin Cotter,
With every new year comes hundreds of new Internet phenomenons and 2011 started off with a bang.
McGuirk Arena opened up with a bang Wednesday night.
CMU has seen a multitude of challenges, changes and adversity over the last semester.
I screwed up — it’s that simple.
British preacher Charles Spurgeon once said, “Economy is half the battle of life; it is not so hard to earn money as to spend it well.”
As the semester comes to an end, I find myself reflecting on my college experience, both what I could put into it and what I want to get out of it.
President Obama organized a fiscal commission back in February, composed of 18 members and tasked with crafting a solution to America’s long-term debt problem.