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Meet Chelsea
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Meet Chelsea
There are few things as hard to define as love.
In today’s era where a high school diploma is no longer considered good enough to get a “real job,” more and more people are falling into the “everyone should go to college” mentality.
A simple smile and a wink by Ernie Zeigler ended it.
Was there ever any doubt?
I should be the very last one to judge a beautiful black woman who died tragically from her supposed imperfections.
Feb. 14 is just another day. What makes it so special? Why does this date cause distress among women?
Verbal sparring at McGuirk Arena!
He says, "You’re on time."
The loony Michigan legislature is at it again, blaming the problems of our state on the least among us.
There is something dangerous on this campus, waiting to bring down students every day.
Beards are sexy.
I saw her from across the bar. I couldn’t tell you her name or if she was blonde or brunette. I couldn’t tell you if she was the slightest bit attractive.
I am fed up with the talk about former President Ronald Reagan's supposed greatness.
I realized some people don’t see things the way I do for the first time yesterday.
Something that drives me nuts is the impression women aren’t interested in sports.
He rocks back and forth, slowly, nervously, watching the final seconds of the Super Bowl.
Not a single Central Michigan women’s basketball player was born when it last happened.
It is difficult to not cheer for the Egyptian protesters. Thirty years of dictatorial rule have given them very few benefits. Schools are crumbling, large portions of the population are illiterate, basic necessities are not being met and many millions of Egyptians live in poverty due to lack of gainful employment.
Some pictures are worth more than a thousand words.