Coming UP short
The Academic Senate should not pass proposals to limit the number of University Program courses available to students.
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The Academic Senate should not pass proposals to limit the number of University Program courses available to students.
This is a response to the Central Michigan Life editorial on Monday.
No, the Speak Up, Speak Out committee has not had Dennis Lennox II as a panelist.
Around $165,000 was used from the university's $200 million deferred maintenance budget to install new copper gutters, down spouts and a heat trace system on Warriner Hall.
There are many sensible places for the university to cut costs.
The City of Mount Pleasant is taking the right steps toward fulfilling its plans to re-beautify downtown Mount Pleasant.
As journalists, we obviously are expected to uphold First Amendment rights, particularly freedom of speech.
The Michigan State Board of Education should enhance the certification requirements for elementary teachers to make them more well-rounded for their positions.
College football, like the National Football League before it, truly has turned into a money business.
Even as the football program's increased popularity has increased student attendance at games, its spirited student section has remained nameless.
The recent arrest of Tyrone Graham-Jones is an example of a poorly managed situation that quickly escalated out of control.
The Central Michigan University administration decided to extend health benefits for same-sex domestic partners.
The recent vice-presidential picks for Barack Obama and John McCain have caused a whirlwind of speculation and commentary from TV pundits.
Incoming students on north campus - as well as pedestrians - received a pleasant surprise when they moved into the area two weeks ago.
Monday morning marked the first day freshmen could no longer park in lot 62E because campus police decided to make it available only to commuters.
?Though it may mean more trips to get food each meal, the decision to remove trays from residential restaurants was wise.
The current drinking age is the equivalent of abstinence-only sexual education - a policy that inadvertently promotes hazardous habits by precluding reasonable discussion about safe precautions.
After more than eight months, the two-time Mid-American Conference Champion CMU football team finally will take the field at 7 p.m. Thursday against Eastern Illinois.
Many of CMU's 3,800 incoming freshmen received a nasty surprise in February when the Board of Trustees ended the CMU Promise.
To some residents, the opening of a Hooters restaurant is emblematic of Mount Pleasant's moral decay.