LAMBRIGHT: It's time to take Fox News seriously
Fox News Channel exists almost exclusively as the fun-house mirror image portrayed by Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and a slew of other satirists around college campuses.
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Fox News Channel exists almost exclusively as the fun-house mirror image portrayed by Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and a slew of other satirists around college campuses.
As an educational institution, the quality of education and thus the treatment and compensation of educators should be paramount in the university’s priorities.
The first wave of students had their Bridge Card benefits eliminated recently.
… but I’m also on the President’s List.
Wrestling coach Tom Borrelli has said all season long his team was “improving.”
So where were we?
When Grand Rapids realized its economy was stumbling it took bold steps to create one of the world’s largest celebrations of art and human spirit— ArtPrize.
Even though I tend to write quite a bit a bit about the wonders of social networking, I still feel compelled to share more of the joys that I find come with being a Facebook connoisseur.
There is a huge basketball game Saturday night at McGuirk Arena.
Carol Moseley-Braun once said, "Defining myself, as opposed to being defined by others, is one of the most difficult challenges I face."
Republican Gov. Rick Snyder released his version of the budget this past Thursday, and just like Lt. Governor Brian Calley warned, it was an “atomic bomb.”
At a time when the state faces a budget deficit of $1.4 billion, some painful cuts were necessary, and for the most part, Gov. Rick Snyder cut spending in areas that were most appropriate in his 2012 budget.
I’m not scared of needles, not anymore.
Loss. Win. Loss. Win.
I don't want to admit it, but I am a Taylor Swift fan.
I will never lie in one of my columns.
Last week, Maura Corrigan, the director of the Michigan Department of Human Services, announced there would be changes to the Bridge Card food assistance program starting April 1.
In every lecture there will be those people — you know, the ones who can’t shut their mouths?
UPDATE: After a $25,000 donation by San Francisco businessman Pete Hottelet, the project has reached its fundraising goals, the Detroit Free Press reported this morning. Imagination Station will determine the total price tag, work with Mayor Dave Bing to determine a place for the statue, and a group of sculptors has been determined.
Meet Chelsea