Make your voice heard in SGA elections
In theory, the Student Government Association is the voice of the Central Michigan University student body.
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In theory, the Student Government Association is the voice of the Central Michigan University student body.
Five years ago, a college education was expensive.
Who are the graduate students?
Letting bars stay open until 4 a.m. might promote drunken revelry.
Less than a month after his visit was announced, Bob Saget canceled.
Merrill Hall finally is going coed. And it's about time.
Bikes are an essential mode of transport around campus.
Only one day after speaking enthusiastically with the Board of Trustees, University President Michael Rao announced his resignation.
Michigan needs bright minds.
Tuition is high. Your preferred program is strapped for cash. Administrators seem distant from the needs of students.
After months of speculation, the Speaker Series received its third $20,000 gift from University President Michael Rao.
Gov. Jennifer Granholm's proposed budget includes significant cuts across the board.
Bob Saget is renowned for his grade-A raunchy comedic act. He's one of the biggest names to visit campus in years.
Mission Street now looks too much like a collection of sterile strip malls.
It's a good idea, but now may not be the time.
Scholarships often go the best and brightest students.
Between exams, homework and jobs, taxes and financial aid may be tossed to the wayside.
In her State of the State address, Gov. Jennifer Granholm is expected to put pressure on public universities to halt tuition increases.
The stimulus package makes considerable strides toward doing what matters most: getting the economy moving.
In less than a month, Gov. Jennifer Granholm appointed new members to the CMU Board of Trustees.