Snyder's campus visit overshadows Bernero's
Editor's note: This is an evaluation of the recent on-campus campaign stops of both major-party gubernatorial candidates, and not an endorsement of either candidate.
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Editor's note: This is an evaluation of the recent on-campus campaign stops of both major-party gubernatorial candidates, and not an endorsement of either candidate.
Representatives of Central Michigan University's administration, athletic department and police department can blame it on the weather, the weak competition or the hand of God.
Central Michigan University’s current hard stances against those involved in lawsuits against the university is both welcome and a long time coming.
Central Michigan University’s adherence to the rules and restrictions on tailgating in Lot 63 before football games does more harm than good.
Central Michigan University’s new PrintQ system and policy of permitting only a certain amount of printed pages is limiting to students and should be altered or abolished.
The dissolution of Campus Conservatives as a registered student organization is a loss for the political community at Central Michigan University.
The 22-year prison sentence handed down to Mount Pleasant resident Casey Amos Floyd is an example of justice being rightfully enacted.
The recently-completed mini-circle at the intersection of Bellows and Arnold streets is a large drain of public funds and largely an ineffective addition.
When the Board of Trustees approved a room and board increase for residence halls in April, most people on campus were not exactly under the impression this semester could bring the biggest freshman class in history.
In April, Central Michigan University President George Ross said the school would not significantly increase tuition to address its financial challenges.
The Central Michigan University Board of Trustees has a gigantic decision to make Thursday.
In an ironic moment during Monday's special Board of Trustees meeting, Cairwoma Stephanie Comai asked for public comment from anyone attending.
As the 2009-10 academic year comes to an end, it is important to both look back at the last year and forward to the next.
Funding for higher education in Michigan is drying up in the wake of a $1.7-billion state budget deficit.
The professional staff, administrative staff and senior officers at Central Michigan University will not receive raises for the 2010 - 2011 fiscal year.
Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s two nominations to the Central Michigan University Board of Trustees are under the magnifying glass of the state Senate.
Many students are gearing up for graduation and internships as summer approaches.
Graduating seniors have just two weeks remaining at Central Michigan University. While these weeks are sure to be busy, there are a number of things that seniors — and all students — should make a point to do, to ensure their CMU experience is fulfilling and complete:
University President George Ross made two bold statements at Thursday’s Board of Trustees meeting.
Brittany Mouzourakis and Dave Breed won the Student Government Association Election and — along with it — inherited public scrutiny.