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(01/24/11 9:00am)
The appointments of Dr. Patricia A. Maryland and William R. Kanine to the CMU Board of Trustees have proven the College of Medicine will continue to be CMU’s main priority years down the line.
(01/18/11 2:45pm)
Gov. Rick Snyder’s three-minute Martin Luther King, Jr. Day speech offered little inspiration toward the spirit of the holiday, or in introducing the new governor on the first federal holiday of his term.
(01/14/11 5:00am)
The recent leadership changes made by University President George Ross will streamline administrative services, effectively helping the university save money in lieu of state appropriation declines for higher education.
(01/12/11 7:45am)
In the wake of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords’ attempted assassination, it has been insinuated that America’s harsh political climate was part of shooter Jared Lee Loughner’s motivation for the shooting. This is not a debate that should be had.
(01/10/11 8:00am)
The Michigan Legislature’s $30 million allocation to the university for a biosciences building will compliment the existing academic programs and enhance the educational experience for students.
(12/03/10 9:00am)
Developing a new on-campus hotel is a win-win for all parties involved and would enhance CMU's profile without it having to make a financial commitment.
(12/01/10 8:45am)
The $850,000 appropriation to renovate the Real Food On Campus residential restaurant at Carey Hall is an unexpected — and unnecessary — inclusion to the agenda for Thursday’s board of trustees meeting.
(11/29/10 8:30am)
Annual tuition at CMU is $2,775 above the national average for public 4-year institutions, according to research by the Chronicle of Higher Education, and asking the question “Why?” is imperative.
(11/22/10 8:45am)
Presidents at state universities should, as a policy, be as open as possible, as officials in the spotllight whose salaries are paid by taxpayers and student tuition.
(11/19/10 8:30am)
In the several days the flirting webside has been available to CMU students, it has seen a huge amount of posts and traffic from the campus and has proven to be a great source of entertainment.
(11/17/10 8:30am)
Last week, about 4,000 students received a survey in their e-mail from the presidential transition team to determine what issues are the highest priorities to on-campus students.
(11/15/10 8:45am)
The relatively minor changes enacted by the lawsuit between the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe and several local authorities do not reflect the considerable amount of time it took to be settled.
(11/12/10 8:45am)
State legislature approved a revised bill Wednesday to allow alcohol sales before noon on Sundays, which will be a boost to businesses.
(11/10/10 8:30am)
As Governor-elect Rick Snyder builds his team for his transition to office, there are two schools of thought: Snyder is succeeding in bipartisanship or he is deepening the rift.
(11/08/10 8:30am)
The Michigan medical amnesty bill has been sitting dormant in the Michigan Senate since 2009 and it is high time for it to be adopted into law.
(11/05/10 7:45am)
The Michigan Liquor Control Commission has issued a ban on alcoholic energy drinks in the state — a drastic step but necessary for the time being.
(11/03/10 7:30am)
There has not been a major uproar of violence or rioting during Central-Western Weekend in several years, and hopefully fans and attendees will keep it that way.
(11/01/10 7:45am)
Today is when every publication will announce how important it is for every able individual to vote in Tuesday’s election. It is not only important — it is vital.
(10/29/10 7:00am)
The “high blood alcohol content enhanced penalty law” is more than harsh fines, increased jail time and new restrictions. This law strengthens previous DUI legislation, and similar measures have worked in other states.
(10/27/10 7:45am)
Speech is protected under the First Amendment even if it is unpopular, morally questionable or downright hateful.