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(04/01/11 2:09am)
A press release sent Monday from Gov. Rick Snyder’s office, titled “Snyder Signs Bill to Protect Unemployed” could not have had a more misleading headline.
(03/29/11 2:00pm)
There is a trend at Central Michigan University that is sadly not dissimilar to that of the American people: Many eligible voters do not participate in their local democracies. Student Government Association elections for next year's president, vice president, treasurer and senators begin Monday and students should pay attention.
(03/28/11 3:00am)
As Detroit continues its downward population spiral, 2010 U.S. Census results show Isabella County and its incorporated municipalities are still doing the right things to grow.
(03/25/11 12:00am)
Severe higher education budget cuts will whittle down Central Michigan University’s state appropriations to unprecedented levels in 2011-12 if approved by the legislature.
(03/22/11 7:56pm)
When city commissioners meet Thursday night to vote on the purchase of the Mount Pleasant Center property, they should consider the long-term benefits such an action would have on the local economy.
(03/21/11 8:00am)
As U.S. military forces secure the United Nations-imposed no-fly zone over Libya, it is clear this is not the U.S. going to war with another Middle Eastern country.
(03/18/11 4:01am)
Gov. Rick Snyder has signed into law an egregious statute that undermines the rights of Michigan’s citizens — something rightfully demonstrated by thousands who protested the move this week.
(03/16/11 5:30am)
Eastern Michigan University did not violate Julea Ward’s Constitutional rights by dismissing her for refusing to counsel gay and lesbian patients because of her religion.
(03/14/11 5:45am)
No emergency or governmental crisis is ever so desperate to justify betraying the fundamentals of democracy.
(03/02/11 8:00am)
While national television exposure is good for the university and Mid-American Conference, scheduling games at inconvenient times for students and fans is becoming a burden.
(02/25/11 7:00am)
Eliminating paychecks completely from the university payroll system is a cost-effective move, but additional cuts can still be extended to other areas of the university's operations.
(02/23/11 7:00am)
While many students may have been grateful for the chance to sleep in Monday, CMU’s morning cancellation of classes and delay of on-campus operations was a frankly arbitrary attempt to accommodate weather conditions.
(02/21/11 8:00am)
In a smart display of responsibility, Central Michigan University is planning to admit 300 to 400 fewer students than last year, despite receiving more applications than ever. The time is now to raise CMU's academic profile.
(02/18/11 4:00am)
Gov. Rick Snyder’s decision to slash higher education funding to state universities by 15 percent should not come as a surprise to CMU administrators, and it should serve as the perfect catalyst for them to prepare.
(02/16/11 7:00am)
In the Jan. 31 editorial, the resignation of Dr. Nehad El-Sawi, associate dean of the College of Medicine, was said to be no reason to worry for the future of CMU’s College of Medicine. But an e-mail sent to students Tuesday prompts one to say otherwise.
(02/14/11 7:00am)
While openness and transparency is important and certainly encouraged with administrators at CMU, it must be complete or it is worthless.
(02/11/11 7:00am)
When Lt. Gov. Brian Calley said Tuesday the new state budget would be an "atomic bomb," students probably did not expect their Bridge Cards to be carried off in the shockwave. But targeting the Food Assistance Program to trim the budget can be reasonable.
(02/07/11 7:00am)
CMU’s curriculum is in need of an update, and plans to require two new competencies should be implemented as soon as possible.
(02/04/11 7:00am)
In a state that has yet to recover from a damaged economy, Mount Pleasant is doing something right.
(02/02/11 8:00am)
When classes are canceled because of snow, many students use the day off as free time. However, “free” may be the most inappropriate word for it.