COLUMN: Permit to parking ratio is getting worse
You would think that after charging students $175 for a parking permit, Central Michigan University would have enough money to provide for more parking.
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You would think that after charging students $175 for a parking permit, Central Michigan University would have enough money to provide for more parking.
Have you met your professors yet?
Recently while on Facebook, I came across a status that made such a profound impact on me I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
The light in front of you turns green, the car in the next lane screeches as it shoots forward and the driver behind you lays on the horn impatiently.
Everyone goes into college with varying expectations and thoughts about what it's like.
About three weeks go, I reunited with my sister after two years of being apart, and with her, she brought good news.
My name is Amanda and I did not have to pay anything for my first 29 credits of college.
What is a normal dream?
Imagine, if you will, that you're walking into a video store. But this is not your ordinary video store.
After finding success beyond my wildest dreams at Washtenaw Community College in Ann Arbor, I was ready to take that next big step to Central Michigan University, a “real” college.
I’ve been watching college football my entire life and have never understood why some teams had a chance to go to the championship while others could only dream.
This is a note to all new Central Michigan University students.
I know this will make me sound shallow, but it needs to be said.
Alex Niznak wasn't joking last week when he said he was one play away from getting into the football game.
My sub was 45 minutes late last week.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Marie Reimers is the president of the Student Government Association.
EDITOR'S NOTE: McDonnell is the co-chair of the American Civil Liberties Union at Central Michigan University and the Voices for Planned Parenthood Student Government Association representative. Her views do not necessarily represent those organizations.
As a kid, I had a very active fantasy life.
In the past couple of years, Central Michigan Life, Central Michigan University’s premier news source and your student voice since 1919, has begun to stray from its primary audience: CMU students.
Approaching the modest hills and fresh air of Mount Pleasant and Central Michigan University, new students have little to expect.