COLUMN: Michigan Film Office boosts the industry this state needs and deserves
When “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” premieres March 25, I will be able to say I was fortunate enough to see how it was made by working on-set as an extra.
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When “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” premieres March 25, I will be able to say I was fortunate enough to see how it was made by working on-set as an extra.
Throughout high school, the only thing I remember hearing from my teachers was “we’re preparing you for what it’s going to be like in college."
“You don't look like a lesbian."
People seem to take freedom for granted here in the United States, which I find both hilarious and frightening.
I was with students, emergency responders and university officials when the Isabella County Dive Team pulled Michael Hartnett's body from the water.
It’s over and done with, nothing can change it. That doesn’t mean it won’t be engrained in the minds of Lions’ fans for years to come.
My parents never taught me that if I didn’t have anything nice to say, I shouldn’t say anything at all. When they sat me down to have this talk, as all parents do, they told me this instead: I have the ability to say whatever I like, thanks to our First Amendment right, but I will be held accountable for my actions.
Sadly, the legitimacy of the National Football League has been called into question in recent weeks due to an embarrassing display of poor, and perhaps even corrupt officiating during a crucially important playoff game.
It’s textbook season once again, and many of us are reluctantly clicking on to the Central Michigan University Bookstore website to find out just what the damage will be this semester.
While Mount Pleasant receives considerably less snow on average than other Michigan cities, it still remains a difficult place to drive for about four months out of the year.
Last week this newspaper's editorial board CM-Life’s editorial staff published an editorial, “What’s In A Name?” about Central Michigan University’s usage of the name “Chippewa.”
Last night, Ferguson, Mo. burned for no reason – and most certainly not in remembrance of slain teenager Michael Brown.
Weeks ago, a family member of a professor walked into Pearce Hall, started an altercation with the professor in front of frightened and confused students, and proceeded to utter the words – according to Central Michigan University Police – “do I have to go get a gun and shoot everyone in the room?”
I was introduced to death at the early age of six.
He was my friend. We marched together in the marching band of 200 people all throughout high school. He was a year older than me, and we would hang out in the summertime together, catching up on old times and ancient memories.
I've made it a point to vote in every election since I turned 18 years old 2006.
Last Monday, as I sat half awake, I watched my professor rip a $1 bill in half before one of my morning classes.
If students are concerned about Michigan’s future - who’s running it and how - then now is the time for them to get out there and actually do something about it.
I’d like to give hugs to the members of the editorial board of this newspaper, but I also have a duty to comment on things that are misleading. On Wednesday, Central Michigan Life published an editorial called, “Give Survivors a Say” in regards to whether or not their rapist ought to be expelled.
I never would’ve imagined myself going to the “Rocky Horror Picture Show.” I didn’t even know anything about it. But I decided to go because my education is about experiencing new ideas and activities and learning something from them.