OPINION: Choosing between an eating disorder and an education
Two months before I left for my freshman year of college, my doctor made me choose between “an education and a body bag.”
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Two months before I left for my freshman year of college, my doctor made me choose between “an education and a body bag.”
It is always hard to pass the torch, especially when the torch embodies something that means as much to me as the Student Government Association does.
On March 23, News Central 34 released a broadcast that claimed to feature an exclusive interview with a student who said he saw sexually explicit images on a faculty member’s computer during a class in Moore Hall.
New students at Central Michigan University will not get the chance to appreciate the two days off before exams this year, known as Gentle Thursday and Friday.
I have never been good at making friends with people my age. I imagine, for others around campus, it’s the same way.
Pegged as the ultimate gladiator match in the history of comic book movies, "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" continues the story left off from 2014's "Man Of Steel."
Like many college basketball fans, I have been glued to a television set for the past week.
Sitting in the hotel lobby of the Sheraton Hotel at 53rd street and 7th avenue, a few blocks from Times Square, I told my mom over the phone I needed more money.
By Mary Treacy
By Robert J. Freeman Executive Director New York State Committee on Open Government, Albany
Unless you are reading this article in prison, you have the right to request documents from government agencies, including Central Michigan University.
Starting Monday, the homepage of cm-life.com will reflect the first of many changes to our website that will be implemented this semester.
Once upon a time, institutions of higher learning were places where new and challenging ideas could be discussed openly.
When I first met Fr. Denis Heames in 2015, I was on assignment.
The new American experience for some mixed-race kids means looking pale and feeling brown, but never both at the same time. It means holding two sets of values that are constantly in conflict.
Anyone who knows me is aware of my love for the glitter-covered, blue lipstick clad popstar Kesha.
I was sitting on a friend’s rickety porch with a cold drink in my hand when news of the latest mass shooting reached my iPhone.
With Sen. Bernie Sanders' commanding victory against Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Presidential Primary in New Hampshire, it appears a future of socialism in the United States might be on the horizon.
What ever happened to love thy neighbor?