Administration should take pay cut during CMU budget crunch
I am writing in regard to the recent salaries awarded to the University President and the new Dean of the Medical College.
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I am writing in regard to the recent salaries awarded to the University President and the new Dean of the Medical College.
This can be considered a correction to James Falls’ column from Monday, “Racism still alive today.”
I must say I have been haunted by the letter by Colleen McNeely last week, where she voices concern that her 100-level course experience has been less than challenging.
As chair of the Central Michigan University Board of Trustees, I must challenge the factual errors and tone of the Feb. 19 CM Life editorial calling for the resignation of Trustee Gail Torreano.
Some classes at Central Michigan University are fit for the village idiot.
On Friday, Central Michigan Life published a letter to the editor allegedly from “Campus Conservatives Board of Trustees.”
I am very concerned about CMU’s 2010 May graduation plans this year. The commencement has two major flaws that should concern everyone participating.
Contrary to Jason Gillman’s claim (“A Diverse CMU,” 1/22/10) that Central Michigan University should decrease its efforts to promote diversity, his column actually highlights the need for even greater attention to this area.
Democrats and progressives may not see it now, but the election of Scott Brown to the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts on Tuesday is a blessing in disguise.
I hate basketball. Can’t stand it.
As a resident assistant in a residence hall, I am baffled at the lack of effort the school puts into the academic success of its incoming freshmen.
With Michigan’s public schools facing an economic crisis because of state funding issues, there are sure to be cuts that will be painful to our communities. Our tax dollars need to be carefully targeted, but that message is not connecting with Central Michigan University.
It’s too bad Gov. Jennifer Granholm feels it’s more important to have a partisan political rally on Thursday morning than a free, frank and unfettered discussion with students on the challenges facing our great state.
Central Michigan University needs more trash cans in better locations on campus.
On behalf of the Zonta Club of Mount Pleasant, I would like to personally thank all the CMU students and student organizations for your recent contribution of time to Applefest.
Last week, there was a report of a high school student in California being physically and sexually assaulted.
It’s unfortunate several mid-Michigan judges, including one in Isabella County, failed to recognize the benefits of the proposed state Department of Human Services budget.
The adoption of a medical school at CMU has perpetuated some misconceptions among students.
I see the approachability of police officers important to relationships with all of campus and the surrounding community.
As a Mount Pleasant High School parent and mother of one of the homecoming attendants, I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to Keith Voeks, director of University Events; Tony Voisin, director of Student Life; the Central Michigan University Homecoming Parade Committee; and CMU, for graciously allowing the MPHS homecoming court and floats to participate in CMU’s homecoming parade last Saturday.