Editorial: Have a great summer
As the final week of the semester comes to a close, we can’t help but reflect on what a busy year it has been at Central Michigan University.
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As the final week of the semester comes to a close, we can’t help but reflect on what a busy year it has been at Central Michigan University.
Recycle this newspaper after you finish reading it. You will be making the earth a healthier place to live.
On Friday in the President’s Conference Room, the Central Michigan University Board of Trustees will likely vote to raise the price of tuition per credit hour.
One of the things members of Central Michigan University’s Greek community do better than anything else is raise money for charity.
Mr. Elliott,
Last semester, President George Ross announced our university would host a series of panel discussions on diversity and inclusion.
Welcome back.
College football attendance is declining nationwide. Student attendance at games has been abysmal. Such is the case at Central Michigan University.
Let us be clear: We do not endorse the consumption of alcohol by people under the age of 21.
If you did not know that the above signs spell out “y,” “e,” and “s,” you are an example of why we support a change in CMU’s language curriculum. Last month, the Academic Senate passed a resolution supporting American Sign Language for Central Michigan University’s two-year put forth by CMU’s Student Government Association. As it stands, CMU students must complete four credit hours within a foreign language in order to graduate.
This week is Sunshine Week — seven days dedicated to spreading awareness about the importance of the right to access public documents and the maintenance of an open government.
Now that you have returned from Spring Break, there is probably one thing on your mind.
Eight months ago, the Catholic Diocese of Saginaw removed Father Denis Heames from St. Mary’s University Parish for “boundary violations.”
Balancing classwork, personal finances, extra curricular activities and a social life can make four years of higher education a wonderful struggle.
On Saturday, 431 students and community members came together to take part in a tradition unlike any other at Central Michigan University.
Student Government Association President Chuck Mahone announced he would give his first "State of the Student Body" address at 8 p.m. on Feb. 29 in the Powers Ballroom.
Did you hook up with someone during Valentine’s Day weekend?
Late last month, Central Michigan University students received an e-mail announcing our on-campus pharmacy is closing. The pharmacy closes its doors for good on Thursday, Feb. 25. This decision does a major disservice to the students, faculty and staff that used the pharmacy. It is also another indication of how out of touch university decision makers can be when it comes to student needs. The pharmacy filled 20,251 prescriptions and served 4,232 patients within the last year. Apparently, serving students and staff wasn’t a substantial enough reason to keep the important service open. Now, those customers will have to go off campus to get their medications. Some people have said the pharmacy closing is no big deal; A CVS and a Walgreens are close by. This is more than a matter of convenience. Students who can’t afford prescription costs were able to put charges from the pharmacy on their CMU accounts. That won’t be an option at the local chain pharmacies. The pharmacy also provided a delivery service to faculty offices and other on-campus locations. For example, many female students picked up birth control pills there. It provided a necessary service within walking distance from each residence hall. Located in Foust Hall, the pharmacy was a short walk from the on-campus health clinic. Students could get a visit to the doctor and a trip to the pharmacy accomplished in one building. CMU gives plenty of resources to other student services such as the Student Activity Center and the Charles V. Park Library. Why make these auxiliary arms a financial priority and not one directly related to student health?Making a decision about a service important to so many people without the student and staff perspective in mind is becoming a trend at this university. Chuck Mahone, CMU’s Student Government president said the closing of the pharmacy was news to him, too. He is supposed to be our voice to campus decision makers. That's typical. That is what is at the root of this closure: CMU’s glaring disregard for student concerns. If CMU officials want students to feel connected to the university, we have a simple prescription for how that can be achieved. Talk to us before you make a decision that directly affects us. CMU missed another opportunity to do so here. The closing of our schools pharmacy makes it uneasy to think about which student service might be next.
Less than two weeks ago, the Central Michigan University Athletics Department welcomed a new volleyball coach. We’re interested to see where Mike Gawlik will take the program.
Monday’s presidential Iowa caucuses brought several key political issues to mind.