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(02/08/18 6:34pm)
On Jan. 24 Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar was sentenced to up to 175 years in prison for sexually assaulting more than 250 women during his tenure, disguising it as treatment.
(02/04/18 4:06pm)
While Gov. Rick Snyder may have helped Michigan recover from recession, his time is plagued with frequent missteps.
(01/22/18 12:33am)
My father always told me, “high school and college are the best eight years of your life.”
(01/10/18 11:35pm)
With thousands of students on campus, it's hard for us to account for everyone's opinion.
(01/08/18 2:49am)
My grandmother didn't go to college.
(12/18/17 12:28pm)
Older generations grew up when Nativity scenes and Christmas pageants were displayed in schools and on government land. Elementary schools sang songs about Christmas, almost exclusively, no matter the religious make up of the students in the school.
(12/11/17 1:01am)
Rome wasn't built in a day, as the saying goes, and your entire semester’s worth of knowledge can't be broken down into one night of studying.
(12/11/17 1:01am)
I returned to Central Michigan University in August with the assumption that as a sophomore, I had enough wisdom to know how to balance a social life, work and academic success.
(12/07/17 9:49pm)
Revelations about sexual assault and sexual abuse have exposed the disgusting truth behind some of America’s most well-known personalities. Survivors have come forward to tell their stories of abuse in the film industry, politics and journalism.
(11/29/17 11:49pm)
Sonya Smith is a manager at Five Below in Canton, Mich. She works 8 hours a day, almost seven days a week.
(11/29/17 11:50pm)
President Donald Trump’s inauguration was less than a year ago and that day threatened more than the American political status quo — it brought an unprecedented threat to the First Amendment.
(11/29/17 3:35pm)
Regardless of what the subject is, doing something new doesn't just come to you right away, but rather you learn it and become gradually better at it over time.
(11/27/17 3:06pm)
I’ve romanticized the 1960s since the eighth grade when I fell madly in love with Jefferson Airplane’s "Surrealistic Pillow" and the feel of bell-bottom pants against my legs.
(11/27/17 2:16pm)
Both the Orlando Pulse Nightclub shooter and the Sutherland Springs shooter have something in common beside committing horrendous crimes.
(11/19/17 10:09pm)
At 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 24, the University of Michigan must provide an answer to whether it will permit white supremacist Richard Spencer to speak on its campus or risk a federal lawsuit.
(11/15/17 11:04pm)
In 2016, voters were stuck between a rock and a hard place.
(11/12/17 9:09pm)
In the fourth grade, I had an almost unhealthy obsession with becoming a marine biologist.
(11/08/17 10:10pm)
The first mass shooting I vividly remember was Aurora, Colorado in 2012. The gunman opened fire in a movie theater killing 12 people and wounding another 70.
(11/05/17 9:44pm)
As the final seconds ticked off the clock, I looked around the press box wondering what just happened.
(11/08/17 10:11pm)
Ryan Tsatsos and my brother, Nico Stante, met each other. In their senior year, they both lined up on the same football field. Tsatsos playing for Warren De LaSalle and Stante playing for Detroit Catholic Central.