LETTER: Operation Beautiful brightens student's difficult day
On Wednesday, I was having a pretty bad morning. I had bombed a physics test that I had been certain I did well on, and was officially failing a class for the first time.
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On Wednesday, I was having a pretty bad morning. I had bombed a physics test that I had been certain I did well on, and was officially failing a class for the first time.
I admit I was a little shocked when I found out about professor Tim Boudreau’s plan to bring leaders of Westboro Baptist Church to CMU.
Regarding the Oct. 25 article in Central Michigan Life by Carisa Seltz on the Events Center, I would like to provide a response on behalf of SmithGroup and benefit your readers with a fuller understanding of the project and its complexities.
As a township official, I have come to have profound respect for the wisdom and judgment of the Michigan Township Association and when I saw that the MTA had endorsed Toni Sessoms in the 99th District Michigan House race, that respect was reinforced.
You are right to point out, as you do in (the Monday, Oct. 18) editorial, that the effect of partisan politics has been a problem for state government.
Last month was very difficult for the LGBT community and our allies with national attention being brought to the suicides of young LGBT individuals Earic Mohat, of New York; Seth Walsh, of California; Asher Brown, of Texas; Tyler Clementi, of New Jersey; Justin Aaberg, of Minnesota; Billy Lucas, of Indiana; and Raymond Chase, of Rhode Island.
Kevin Cotter is the best choice for the next state representative from the 99th district. As a CMU student, I recognize how important it is to have someone in the state legislature who will be a tireless advocate for the university and for our great community. Kevin Cotter is a two-time graduate of CMU, once for his bachelor’s degree and again for his master’s. He knows the challenges that the university faces and what needs to be done to tackle them head on.
To the friends and family of Sarina Seger:
In a world where people spend increasing amounts of time indoors on the computer or watching TV, it’s a great relief to find a place in the natural world to relax and breath some fresh air.
Although I feel that CM Life is a respectable university newspaper, I feel that “Ryan’s Rant” is a signal of unprofessionalism that negatively reflects itself upon the entire newspaper staff.
Editor’s note: Central Michigan Life is an independent publication funded through advertising, and the views expressed in this publication do not reflect the views of the university.
Merlyn Mowrey noted a number of inaccuracies in “Hardly Presidential” coverage.
Editor’s note: To send a letter to the editor, e-mail voices@cm-life
Editor’s note: The following letters are in reaction to the “Hardly presidential” editorial and the “Chasing the president” column, originally published Monday, Sept. 27. For more coverage and commentary, visit the CM Life Voices Blog at http://www.cm-life.com/category/blogs/voicebox/
I am writing in regard to the editorial “Keep Bayanet.” This piece was sorely lacking in many areas, in regard to the “War on Drugs.”
I am a senior at Central Michigan University and an intern for Josh Lillie, Libertarian candidate for Michigan’s 33rd Senate Seat, and the Libertarian Party of West Michigan in general.
If you were walking past Dow at about 10:15 today, you’d notice a few hundred people outside, and a few police and university vehicles. Those of us that were exiting the building assumed it was just a drill, so we took our time.
Editor’s note: To send a letter to the editor, e-mail voices@cm-life.com.
A record-breaking 4,100 eager freshmen now populate the many niches of CMU, and while I am certainly ecstatic to witness the enthusiasm of so many fresh faces, I must question: Why now are there such high numbers, and what outcomes — perhaps even obligations --— do these unique circumstances carry for the university?
Editor’s note: To send a letter to the editor, please e-mail voices@cm-life.com