RSO Spotlight: Student at CMU advocates to heal, save lives

Erika Thomas is a freshman at CMU advocating for organ and tissue donation through Gift of Life RSO. Courtesy of Erika Thomas.
In 2018, Erika Thomas dealt with the passing of her father due to heart disease while he was waiting for a donor when she was only in 6th grade. That's why, in her sophomore year of high school, Thomas wanted to honor her father and she decided to join Gift of Life in Michigan.
Thomas is now a freshman at Central Michigan University and decided to start a Registered Student Organization on campus with Gift of Life.
Gift of Life at CMU is an organization that brings more awareness towards organ and tissue donation. The goal of the organization is to get students and faculty more involved with becoming a registered organ donor.
"I do this in honor and memory of my dad," Thomas said. "When others hear my story, I hope that they realize that organ donation can save lives in an instant."
According to Gift of Life's website, one person can donate up to eight life-saving organs, as well as tissue and corneas that can heal an average of 75 patients, with the potential of a hundred and 125 patients.
An organ recipient is someone who needs a new organ or tissue. They will sign up on a waitlist until someone is able to donate. The organ donor is someone that is signed up on the registry and once it is time to make end-of-life decisions, they can donate their organs to the recipient.
Gift of Life Michigan is the state's federally designated organ donor program and it provides necessary procedures for organ donation. It is a branch of Donate Life America -- a national organization where people can sign up and become a part of the organ donor registry.
“There are thousands of people that are on the waiting lists to get these transplants that will save their lives,” Thomas said. “Being on the registry is what matters the most.”
Gift of Life Michigan is holding a campus challenge – every college and university in the state is competing to get the most students and faculty to sign up for the Michigan Organ Donor Registry. The schools will receive a point for each person they have sign up.
The challenge will last until Feb. 27. Trophies will be rewarded to the top three schools with the most points.
Thomas said that events and spreading the word about serious topics like this is important.
"Through these events and activities, the best part about them is when any support is shown towards organ donation," she said. "And just simple words of gratitude and encouragement have kept me going."