Column: Guide of how to suffer seasonal cold in style
Dorm Edition
Three roommates sick, one to go. I'd love to say I'm the one who has escaped the seasonal gunk, but sadly I was the first to catch it. Week one of spring semester and I had a cough so bad I started to sound like Darth Vader.
It is nearly impossible to make it through December to February without needing a high dosage of cold medicine. And let's be honest, it sucks. Stuck in my stuffy 10 by 10 dorm room just trying to avoid missing class and getting my roommates sick. But college illness is the worst sickness I have ever faced,
I showed up to college thinking I would avoid said illness. I stocked up on cold medicine, vitamins, Liquid IV, and put an air purifier in every corner of the room.
Of course, as winter rolled around, so did the mystery illnesses. Let's play a game, what diagnosis will you get? Will it be strep throat, walking pneumonia, COVID-19? No, if you're like me and all my roommates, you would get told you have a cold and possibly a respiratory infection that has somehow taken out the entire third floor of Merrill Hall.
Due to the multiple illnesses I've faced, I've come up with a guide on how to suffer through a seasonal cold in dorms.
Number 1: Tea is your best friend.
No matter what flavor, brand or type, having something warm will be an absolute relief. A personal favorite in my dorm is apple tea with apple juice. It's acidic and just hot enough that it breaks up all the gunk in your throat. But for those of you who don't like tea, it's sweet and tastes like apple cider.
Number 2: Disinfect your entire dorm.
The second that one roommate gets sick, make sure to clean all your surfaces and put those Clorox wipes to use.
Number 3: Our campus has resources.
If you're feeling sick but don't want to drive to urgent care, there is a student clinic on campus. Use the resources provided to you. Even if you don't want to go to the clinic on campus, there is a variety of urgent care off campus that will help you and tell you the proper steps to get better.
Number 4: Have a sick buddy.
If you are running a 102-degree fever, you shouldn’t be alone. My best advice is to have one of your roommates or friends be a sick buddy. When you need more medicine, soup or blankets, that's the person you call.
Number 5: I cannot stress this enough, please get vaccinated.
Meningitis B is relatively rare–but disproportionally affects young adults between the ages of 16-24 according to John Hopkins Medicine. The Center for Disease Control says that college freshmen, especially those who live in dorms, are at an increased risk. Even though it is not very common, when you get it, it is very serious and typically leads to death even when treated. Do yourself a favor and keep yourself and your friends healthy.
Number 6: The Panera delivery drivers should know your name.
Personally, when I am ill, I become so depressed, and the last thing I want to eat is a bowl of soggy noodles and unflavored broth pretending to be chicken. My favorite sick meal is Panera. There are so many soup options, and it tastes just enough like hospital food to really seal the aesthetic of illness. In the last several weeks, the Panera employees have likely been shocked to not see my order come in.
Number 7: Take medicine.
This may sound self-explanatory, but you would be shocked at how many 19-year-olds think they’ll just sweat off their sickness. Nasal spray, decongestants and Ibuprofen will help and do wonders. You can buy a box of cold and flu medicine for around $10. Instead of going out this weekend, use your cash to buy yourself meds, just in case.
Number 8: Last but not least, go to bed.
As a college kid, I get it, we stay up strange hours trying to do homework or waiting for a washing machine to open up. But one of the number one things that will make you feel better will be relaxing and taking a break. Go to bed on time and attempt to get seven to eight hours of sleep.
I can't guarantee following these steps will result in a 100% functional immune system, but I can tell you that it will help. And if it doesn't help, then call your mom and tell her some mean lady online made you sick.