CRIME LOG: CMUPD handled assault, lane-crossing accident, property damage
Central Michigan University Detective Scott Bailey (left) and Community Police Officer Josh Chapman grin as Chapman prepares to take his bi-annual tactical driving recertification test Thursday, May 23, in Lot 63 just outside of Kelly/Shorts Stadium.
These are among the incidents handled by Central Michigan University Police Department in the period between Nov. 7 to Nov. 13:
Nov. 7
At 11 a.m. CMUPD assisted a servant of the Personal Protection Order (which works like a restraining order among other things), informing an 18-year-old resident of Merrill Hall to leave an acquaintance alone.
At 11:15 p.m. a 35-year-old male on Broomfield and Stockman Road was cited for no insurance and his vehicle was towed.
Nov. 8
At 9:24 p.m. CMUPD stopped a vehicle in Lot 43 for driving through a stop sign. The 21-year-old female was cited for no insurance.
Nov. 10
At 9:30 p.m. CMUPD made contact with residents on the 300th block of North Lansing St. The 26-year-old female resident said that political signs had been stolen from her lawn for the past week. She said she heard a commotion outside and asked the intruder to bring back her signs.
The resident and suspect argued, and a fight ensued. The resident was a 26-year-old female and the suspect was an 18-year old. Both the resident and the suspect were injured in the fight, the victim appearing to fight in self-defense, CMUPD said. The case was reported to the prosecutor’s office. The suspect was charged with assault and battery and arrested.
Nov. 11
At 10:20 a.m. there was a two-car accident on Broomfield and West Campus Drive. A 55-year-old female driver in the left lane turned into the right lane and hit a 76-year-old female driver. Neither driver was injured.
Nov. 13
At 6:40 p.m. CMUPD were dispatched after a report from an 18-year-old that his car mirror had been damaged. They found it pushed forward with the glass cracked. Several other car mirrors had been damaged as well.
CMUPD reviewed surveillance video which showed possible suspects, who they contacted. As each suspect denied causing the damage, and the footage was bad due to the rainstorm, the incident was closed.