A letter to the American public
Dear American people,
When you elected Donald Trump for your President, you have spoken, and every part of the world has heard you.
I respect your decision. President-elect Trump is the choice of the American people, and no one, outside of Americans, has the right to judge it.
Yet, this decision speaks for itself. And as a person from another country, I see these two important messages that you sent to the rest of the world:
The first one is about the desire for isolation. Trump’s stance on world relationships and cooperation is clear. From a border closure promise to a threat of stopping loans for NATO allies– his foreign policy resembles those of isolationists.
The second message is that world democracy is under threat. The United States is a great model of democracy that the rest of the world follows. But last week the U.S. showed that a democratic country can be ruled by a felon with over 80 charges and a friend of the world’s dictators.
After receiving these two messages, the rest of the world continues to watch America and wonder: What is next?
And next, I hope that American people show kindness, open-mindedness and empathy to save the world’s democracy.
No matter what the next four years bring, I hope that we all stay humans, open to understanding other people’s experiences and lending a helping hand to those who are in need. I hope that you use your critical thinking and think for yourself.
Even when Trump is the leader of this country, it doesn’t mean that there is space for hate, racism, sexism or any other discrimination. You, American people, can continue to be the example of those who spread kindness, love and freedom of spirit, as you always do. The world needs you.
Managing Editor Masha Smahliuk is an international student from Ukraine.