Be Afraid! Afraid To See This Crap In Theaters!

Carter reviews one of the worst movies of the year and doesn't hold back!

John Cho (from left), Katherine Waterston, Lukita Maxwell and Isaac Bae are haunted by a virtual assistant gone out of control in the Columbia Pictures and Blumhouse film 'Afraid.' (Courtesy photo | Glen Wilson | CTMG)

I tend to be a very generous reviewer. That’s because I love cinema and the effort that is put in to make some of my favorite movies. Not so for this stink bomb of a movie. 

"Afraid" is one of the laziest, most boring and unfunny attempts at a horror movie. "Afraid" unfortunately stars John Cho as a father trying to reconnect with his kids while also trying to balance a healthy work life. His business invests in a new AI tech called "Aia," and he volunteers to test the new product at his house as a bonding exercise for him and his kids. 

After the AI is installed, creepy things start happening around his humble abode, and who are the people who keep watching his house? 

Despite the interesting setup, "Afraid" lets the plot fall through for cheap scares and some very questionable dialogue and story choices.  For example, there are a lot of jump scares involving a loud noise or an animal startling a character. 

This review was actually a challenge to write, due to not being able to remember anything about what happened in this movie. This is the first film in a very long time that I have walked out of and couldn't remember a damn thing. Nothing about the characters, plot, setting or scares could keep my eyes from fluttering: Not character names or places, nor could I recall the message of the movie. 

For a 90-minute movie, it sure felt like a slog to watch. The voice actress they got for the AI gave a very bland delivery for an evil AI. When movies like "The Terminator" and "Avengers: Age of Ultron" can make the concept work because it knows how to make technology scary and threatening, this movie makes a mockery out of it. 

The AI says some weird out-of-the-box stuff, like swearing at the kids and even trying to seduce the older daughter! There's a lot nasty scenes that are no fun to watch. It's just unpleasent and uncomfortible. 

I’ll wrap this up because even I’m starting to lose brain cells from talking about this movie. Easily, the movie is not worth your time. Ever. Just don’t watch it. Blumhouse pictures really struck out with this one. They’ve made some questionable films, but this takes the cake as the most pathetic. 

I give this movie a 3/10 for one specific reason, and that’s John Cho. He needs to fire his agent after this blunder.
