SGA: Discussing DEI, sustainability fee committee, elections

Assistant director of Institutional Diversity Equity and Inclusion Danny McQuarters Jr. (left) and director of Diversity Education Nikita Murry (right) discuss the campus partners and resources available to students at the Student Government Association meeting on Sept. 23, 2024. (CM Life | Courtney Boyd)

A diversity, equity and inclusion training session was held for Student Government Association members during the meeting on Sept. 23.

Nikita Murry, the director of Diversity Education, and Danny McQuarters Jr., the assistant director of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, came to SGA to give a brief introduction on DEI on campus. 

Murry said the conversation was important and not just "rhetoric," or policies with no backing, because she said that is the direction Central Michigan University is going.

"We approach the work that we do at a conversational level," Murry said. "And we're hoping to engage you through it."

Murry said the university is building off of three pillars: creating a welcoming community, having the opportunity to graduate and providing opportunities to see representation on campus. 

"We know that people feel as though they have problems here," Murry said. "They're not just students, but employees. Stage two is to improve that."

McQuarters encouraged students to view the strategic plan online and for them to fill out an incident report if any situations arise. 

Sustainability fee update

SGA President Carolina Hernandez Ruiz discussed the sustainability fee in more detail, and more specifically on the sustainability fee committee that would be handling the funds.

The sustainability fee was passed by the former SGA administration and  enacted into CMU policy over the summer. It's a semesterly $5 charge on students' accounts that will be used toward campus-wide sustainability initiatives.

"This (initiative) is completely new," she said. "So you all are going to be the ones to shape that."

Hernandez Ruiz said the committee will elect seven members through a campus-wide election on Engage. She said the election would be organized by SGA's elections committee, and the plan is to hold that election in late October or early November.

Hernandez Ruiz said any student can run for the committee, and further details on committee operations would be released in the near future. 

"I encourage you to run if you are interested and taking that role on campus," she said.

In other events:

  • Treasurer Akua Acheampong said the five student committees will start next week, as the association had to finish up elections and introductions this week. Starting on Sept. 30, members will have a two-week "trial runs" to find which committee suits them best. She said all the committee chairs have been appointed.
  • Acheampong also discussed the Student Budget Allocation Committee Orientation being held at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the University Center auditorium. She said the event will teach RSOs how to apply for funds through SGA.
  • Seven cabinet members were sworn in at the meeting, eliminating all cabinet vacancies and making the total number 25.
  • Pranali Chhapamohan was elected as a senator for the College of Undeclared Majors and Global Campus. Eight senator slots still remain open.
  • Christian Dunn was also elected as the Speaker of the House at the meeting, making him a member of the cabinet. The Senate Leader will be elected next week. 
