Students automatically enrolled in Student Sustainability Fee this fall

Marsh water overflows at Chipp-A-Waters Park on Wednesday, July 10, 2024.

Students at Central Michigan University will automatically be enrolled in a new $5 semesterly fee this fall. The fee will fund sustainability projects and efforts on campus. Students have until the first Thursday of the semester to opt-out. 

As Central Michigan Life previously reported, the Student Government Association passed this new fund unanimously during their meeting back in March. 

The Student Sustainability Fee is an updated version of the failed ‘Green Fee Resolution’ from fall 2023. Central Sustainability member Lauren Dey reintroduced the bill to SGA. She said she hoped implementing the fee would prove to the administration that students on campus care about sustainability efforts.

"We want to see physical changes on campus, and we can't do that without the money," Dey previously told CM Life. "I'm hoping this will open up doors to funding with administration as well."

To opt out, students can fill out the Sustainability Fee Opt-Out form. Once completed, Students will remain opted out for the remainder of their enrollment at CMU. 

If you have any questions regarding your account, contact ONE Central at or by phone at (989) 774-3618.
