CMU Dining offers Eid celebration


Courtesy of Mahum Hakim.

Eid is the festival of food at the end of Ramadan, a month of fasting for Muslims, Mahum Hakim, Central Michigan University senior, said. 

To celebrate Eid, CMU Dining is bringing Middle Eastern, South Asian and Arab dishes from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on April 10 to the Eatery and Dine and Connect. 

“There are Muslims on campus,” Hakim said. “Especially it being in the middle of the week, they can't just go home and be with their family, usually; and there's a lot of international students too, that can't go home and be with their family. So CMU dining offered to have an Eid celebration on campus in the dining halls.”

Hakim said CMU Dining chefs reached out to her for advice on Eid’s celebration, and Hakim approved their ideas of menu and organization.

She said a challenge with Eid celebration is choosing a date, because Islamic calendar follows Lunar calendar, so the beginning of the months depends on whether people can see the moon. However, Hakim suggested to stick with Wednesday to have the menu ready for that day.

“I don't live on campus anymore … but I think it's super useful for students that are still living on campus,” Hakim said. “I know I would have loved it when I was a freshman, or a sophomore and I was living on campus. So, I definitely wanted to encourage them to do it, especially for the international students and everybody else if they wanted to come and eat some good food.”

The dinning halls will aslo have educational materials about Eid. 
