CRIME LOG: Police handled domestic violence cases, larceny, traffic incidents

Jason Haines, Public Information Officer of the Mt. Pleasant Police Department, talks with the participating group about the idea of the Knock and Talk in the parking lot of Grawn Hall, on the campus of Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI, on Aug. 23, 2023.
The following incidents were among those handled by the Central Michigan University Police Department and Mount Pleasant Police Department between Sept. 17 and Oct.13.
Sept. 17
CMUPD made an arrest at 2:35 a.m. for operation under the influence. The vehicle hit a light pole. Several people were outside the car and were intoxicated. There were no injuries. The driver was a 22-year-old male. He had one beer and got into his car and drove off. Driver was arrested and taken to jail.
Sept. 18
An assault took place between two roommates at 11 p.m. in Emmons Hall. Officers from CMUPD interviewed the victim and assailant. The officers reported that the victim and assaulter were arguing. The assaulter grabbed the victim's throat for about six to seven seconds. The victim had redness on their neck and a headache. Both students were 18 years old.
Sept. 19
An assault took place at 4:43 p.m. at Campbell Hall, the CMUPD reported. The victim, female, 20, and assailant, male, 25. They had prior dating relationships. They saw each other in Campbell Hall. A video from the hall showed the defender poking the victim's ribs with his finger. The victim didn’t want to press charges, and the incident was forwarded to the Office of Civil Rights and Institutional Equity.
Sept. 20
A fraud incident took place at 5 p.m. Victim, male, 17, came to CMUPD reporting a fraud on his credit card. It was unlawfully used on a poker website for two purchases total of $40. Victim wanted the fraud documented for his bank. That was an online transaction, and the exact location is undetermined.
Sept. 21
CMUPD reported a traffic incident that took place at 1:41 p.m at Denisin Drive. The offender was a 34-years-old female. A CMUPD officer issued her a ticket for an expired driving license.
A harassment incident was reported at 11:34 p.m at 400 block W Broomfield St. A reporting party, female, 24, said she receiving “hundreds” of unwanted phone calls. The case is under the CMUPD investigation.
Sept. 25
MPPD responded to multiple reports of larcenies from motor vehicles at 700 Edgewood Drive. Upon responding to seven reports. The first reports, officers were able to locate and arrest a suspect. All but one vehicle's doors were left unlocked. MPPD encourages residents to always lock their doors and not leave valuables in their vehicles.
Sept. 28
MPPD reported an incident of larceny from a motor vehicle took place at 500 Sunset Lane. The vehicle doors were unlocked at the time of the incident.
Oct. 3
MPPD officers were dispatched to a domestic assault. The suspect, 26 year old male had left the scene prior to officers’ arrival, but was located on foot nearby. After a brief foot pursuit, officers were able to take the suspect into custody for domestic assault and outstanding arrest warrants.
Oct. 5
MPPD recieved a report of a theft of items from a motor vehicle at 800 E Chippewa St. The vehicle doors were unlocked at the time of the incident.
Oct. 10
MPPD recieved a report of a theft of items from a motor vehicle at 200 South Crawford St. The vehicle doors were unlocked at the time of the incident.
Oct. 11
MPPD received a report of a theft of items from a motor vehicle 400 block of East Bellows Street. The vehicle doors were unlocked at the time of the incident.
Oct. 13
MPPD identified two suspicious people fora violation of the Controlled Substances Act. First suspect was found to have an outstanding arrest warrant from another county. Upon arresting the first offender, he was found to be in possession of a substance that field tested positive for methamphetamine. The first offender was lodged on the arrest warrant. There were no violations found related to the second person who was therefore not arrested.