CRIME LOG: CMUPD handles two medical asissts

The following incidents were among those handled by the Central Michigan University Police Department in the period from April 25 to May 1.
April 25
CMUPD responded to a two-vehicle accident near East Preston and South Franklin streets that happened at 9 a.m. Two vehicles side swiped each other; one of them failed to yield. CMUPD did not take enforcement action. The future of the accident will be decided with the insurance companies.
April 26
CMUPD was dispatched to Thorpe Hall for a medical assist. A 19-year-old victim, male, was reported to be intoxicated by a mushroom drug, psilocybin. The ambulance took the victim to the hospital. The case will further be handled by the Central Michigan University Office of Student Conduct.
April 28
A threatening call was made to a Starbucks at CMU employee. CMUPD determined that the threat was made by a 12-year-old from a different county. CMUPD worked with local police, which will further conduct the investigation.
April 29
A medical assist was provided to a female, 19, at Sweeney Hall by CMUPD. The female had an alcohol intoxication. Paramedics transported the victim to the hospital.