CMU to host event focused on noise-induced hearing loss, March 29


Chief Diversity Officer candidate Shawna Patterson Stephens answers student questions via an online forum

Left: Brett John Houle, Right: Shawna Patterson Stephens

Central Michigan University is to host Risk of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in Youth Populations through an online course from 12 to 1 p.m. March 29. The event will be held virtually for free, although registration closed March 22.

According to the event flyer, the course aims to teach participants the risks of noise-induced hearing loss and strategies to avoid damaging your hearing. The course will be presented by Dr. Sarah Grinn and is sponsored by Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders

The event is geared toward preventing noise-induced hearing loss in youth populations with discussions about the influence of the media. There are three main learning objectives listed for participants in this event:

· Participants will be able to discern fact from fiction when it comes to commonly reported NIHL risks in youth populations. 

· Participants will be able to measure earbud music output to determine if it is hazardous to the auditory system. 

· Participants will be able to prescribe custom hearing protection based mathematically on the patient’s music noise exposure.

The event will start with a discussion comparing literature about noise-induced hearing loss with coverage in the media. That will be followed with a lesson on how to measure earbud music output and then participants will learn how to mathematically prescribe custom hearing protection. At the end of the event there will be time for questions and a discussion.

For more information about this event, visit
