Student Government Association presented its first piece of legislation of the semester

SGA presents its executive board at its first meeting on Sept. 22 at the Bovee University Center Auditorium.
During the Nov. 28 Student Government Association meeting, house members looked at legislation created by one of the SGA senators and Diversity and Inclusion Committee chair Nova Moore. The legislation is to assure access to students' medical travel and absences.
This legislation proposes that there should be an approved absence policy for students who need to miss class for medical reasons and to travel to doctor appointments. If passed, this legislation will create a university-wide excused-absence policy for medical reasons.
Moore said it is up to a professor to create their own attendance policy for their class; having this policy would allow excused absences for students who need it.
During the open discussion about the legislation, audience members asked Moore questions and expressed their opinions. Overall, audience members approved of the legislation and hoped it would be passed.
Moore said they initially thought of this legislation after they had to miss several classes in order to return home for doctor appointments due to medical reasons, and their professors were not accommodating.
Sophomore Haley Palmquist said earlier this semester she faced medical complications which resulted in her missing some of her classes. She said this caused her grade to go down in one of her classes, and although she talked to the professor and the department chair, they would not change her grade.
Another audience member said they supported this legislation and thought it was very progressive. They gave the suggestion to add that Mount Pleasant is far from other big cities, where most students have their doctor appointments. Moore said they liked that idea and will add it to the legislation.
House members will review and give more feedback on this legislation again during the next meeting.
House members then brainstormed ideas for the spring philanthropy event next semester and said they will look into more ideas during the next meeting.
House announcements:
- The Outreach and Engagement Committee for SGA is partnering with Recovery Independence Safety and Empowerment Advocacy to do a clothing and product drive. Donations can be dropped off Dec. 5 through 9 in the student involvement center in the UC.
- After the general board meeting during the Dec. 5 SGA meeting, there will be a fundraiser partnered with RISE to pie a cabinet member. SGA members interested must bring $1 in cash to participate.
- The Gender and Sexuality Alliance Spectrum is hosting their general board meeting at 6:15 p.m. on Dec. 1 in the Education and Human Services building, room 311.
There was no general board meeting.
During the Senate meeting, senators also reviewed and made grammar edits to the medical absence and travel legislation in more detail than in the house meeting. Senators made edits to the legislation including grammar on the legislation. It will be looked at again during the next meeting.
Senate meeting announcements:
- For World AIDS day, Out in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (OSTEM) will be handing out free STD-prevention kits from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Dec. 1 outside the University Center.
- The Diversity and Inclusion Committee is hosting an event for students to write letters to the Supreme Court members to not repeal the Indian Claims Limitation Act, from 1 to 3 p.m. Dec. 2 outside Central Eats in the UC.