Upcoming Native American Heritage Month events announced at SGA meeting

CMU Native American Programs hosts cocoa, crafting, and conversations as part of Native American Heritage Month, Friday, Nov. 4, in the Center for Student Inclusion and Diversity, Bovee UC 108.
During the Student Government Association (SGA) meeting Nov. 21, Colleen Green, the director of the office of Native American programs and student transition enrichment programs talked about upcoming events for Native American heritage month through the end of November.
The Native American Heritage Month events are:
- Movie Monday: “Warrior Lawyers” at 3:30 p.m. on Nov. 28 in Moore 105.
- Legal Profession: opportunities in Indian law and advice for aspiring lawyers hosted by Michigan State University law professor Wenona Singel at 5 p.m. on Nov. 28 in Moore 105.
- Book club: "A Snake Falls to Earth" by Darcy Little Badger at 12 p.m. on Nov. 29 the event will be hosted on zoom.
- Powwow dance presentation and workout at 5 p.m. on Nov. 29 in the MAC gym 1 in the student activity center.
“All these events are put on for you,” Green said referring to Central Michigan University students.
Green said it is typical to meet someone who doesn’t look like you in your professional and personal life and these events will give you the tools needed to interact with someone with a different cultural background.
Questions can be sent to the Native American Program email at NAP@cmich.edu or stop by Green’s office which is Room 110 in the University Center.
- The outreach and engagement committee for SGA is partnering with Recovery Independence Safety and Empowerment Advocacy to do a clothing and product drive donations can be dropped off from Dec. 5 through Dec. 9. in the student involvement center in the UC.
- Leadershape is a four-day immersive conference from Jan. 4 through Jan. 7. On instagram, @CMU_leadership will be doing a takeover event to learn more and answer questions.
- Lavender Graduation is a celebration for CMU’s graduating members of the LGBTQ+ community at 6:30 p.m. on Dec. 14 at UC 108.
- The Multicultural celebration for students graduating is 6 p.m. on Dec. 16 in Staples family concert hall.
There was no house meeting.
During the senate meeting, senators reviewed legislation on the international student health insurance policy and new proposed legislation by the diversity committee chair Nova Moore that will be available for the public to see in a few weeks.
Senators Rwanda Jenkins, a senior, and Tyler Thompson, a junior were both appointed the bylaw and constitution committee chair to work alongside other SGA members after expressing interest during the last meeting.