Campus, community leaders discuss fall health at Sept. 14 panel

On March 30, 2022, in the Health Professions building, exercise science major Allison Lange, a sophomore, is headed to an open lab.
Central Michigan University held an open forum on fall health at 3 pm on Sept. 14 in the Powers Ballroom.
Campus and community experts answered questions that students, staff and faculty had about campus health regarding COVID-19, monkeypox, the flu season and the possibility of a new mask policy.
The panel included community leaders George Kikano, dean of the College of Medicine, Jennifer Morse, medical director of Central Michigan’s District Health Department, Nancy Mathews, executive vice president and provost, and Renee Watson, vice president of Student Affairs.
One of the first questions the panelists were asked involved the Pfizer Moderna vaccine having officially listed myocarditis as a side effect and whether CMU will continue to distribute these vaccines.
“It has been found that one in most commonly two doses of the RNA vaccines may cause a slightly increased risk of myocarditis,” Dr. Morse said. “I wouldn’t call it a side effect, but a very rare risk. It's most common in young men. However, the risk of heart complications from COVID infection is seven to eight times what the risk would be from two COVID vaccines in a young man. It is a benefit versus risk discussion that each patient needs to have with their provider.”
The panel said that they meet on a regular basis to monitor COVID-19 cases and act accordingly. Campus vaccination sites are expected to be set up sometime next week.
Currently, Michigan has about 250 monkeypox cases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of Sept. 16.
The panelists mentioned that this year's flu in Australia could affect the flu season in the U.S.
In addition, due to previous years COVID-19 guidelines, natural immunity will have decreased for this flu season.
To view the public health forum livestream click here