CMU to raise Peace Flag for annual Earth Day ceremony
The Latin writing on the Peace Flag reads "Pro Concordia Labor," which means "work for harmony."
Since 2015, Central Michigan University has raised the Peace Flag every year to recognize the work of E.C. Warriner, the fourth president of CMU, and his passion for international peace.
This year's flag raising will be on Earth Day, April 22 at 1 p.m. at the flagpole in front of Warriner Hall. Philosophy, anthropology and religion faculty member Hope May said the ceremony is an opportunity for people to learn about CMU's historical connection to the Peace Through Law movement. The movement, May said, is about solving world conflicts without resorting to war.
"Maybe people are looking for something inspiring but also educational, this would be such an event to attend," May said. "If you're interested in history and ethics--because I call this morally relevant history--this would interest you."
The following faculty, staff and students will speak at the ceremony:
- Richard Rothaus, interim provost
- Andrew Blom, department chair, philosophy, anthropology and religion
- Eric Urbaniak, co-director, Central Sustainability
- Teresa Homsi, co-director, Central Sustainability
- Michael Buzzy, lead teaching assistant, CMU Honors Program
- Maddie Thomas, student coordinator, Central Civics
- Michael Livingston, editor-in-chief, Central Michigan Life

Notes of the fourth president of CMU, E.C. Warriner, written around 1914. In his notes, which can be found in the Clarke Historical Library, Warriner asks educators to “lose no opportunity to teach the horrors of war,” observe Peace Day (May 18) and praise "heroes of peace."
According to May, the student speakers will focus on three different parts of Warriner's framework for aiding the peace cause. He asks educators to “lose no opportunity to teach the horrors of war,” observe Peace Day (May 18) and praise "heroes of peace."
Musical fraternity Phi Mu Alpha will also perform at the ceremony. Recordings of CMU's past Peace Flag ceremonies and more information about CMU's history with peace movements can be found on a website created by May.