City commission discusses philosophy, sidewalks and PEAK funding


Mount Pleasant City Commission meets for its Feb. 28 meeting.

Mount Pleasant City Commission discussed new development to the city's philosophy, sidewalk repairs and Partners Empowering All Kids (PEAK) funding at its Feb. 28 meeting. 

The commission discussed a potential new philosophy for the city management to adopt during the meeting's work session. The purpose of the philosophy is to set a structure for the city's decision making process allowing for decisions to be made faster and more efficiently. 

“Now before making decisions, there needs to be a philosophy that represents the (city's) set values and beliefs,” Mayor Amy Perschbacher said. “We need to remember that we are public servants, and if our residents do better, then our city does better.”

Perschbacher attributed her method of philosophy to her history as a mental health therapist.

Commissioner George Ronan said he believed that a philosophy statement should include methods for departments to work together on city issues. 

“I think the city department should be working together,” Ronan said. “They're doing stuff independently, but when they work together they come up with better benefits. I'm just sure that they can come up with better solutions.”

Commissioner Maureen Eke said this issue is for more than just the city commission to decide. She said that all staff members should be allowed to voice their opinions. 

“I think it would engender trust because one of the things that I heard while I was walking the streets during the campaign is that we don't know what's going on with the city," Eke said. "I do think that having this private philosophy...(will) create a possibility of conversation with residents. If we fail (then) we fail the entire city. Whatever decision we make, we make on behalf of the whole city.”

Sidewalk Project

Commissioners discussed alterations to a sidewalk on the north side of Preston and Crapo Street near the Mount Pleasant High School where there is not a proper crosswalk despite foot traffic. 

“It’s definitely an area of concern when they have sporting events back there. It can be a mess and kids are around there at night,” Commissioner Elizabeth Busch said. “I think it is going to be of increased concern once we have more traffic and residents in this development accessing this parking lot.” 

Commissioners voted unanimously in favor of a contract with The Isabella Corporation for the project for $132,880 and a budget amendment of $27,510.

PEAK Funding

After a previous work session regarding the $600,000 grant for the PEAK program, staff members prepared a proposal allocating funds for childcare staff bonuses, supplies and field trips. 

“Absolutely it is necessary, it helps and it works,” Eke said. “I see no reason why we should not approve the request and I am in support.”

The commission voted unanimously in favor of the motion. 

Masks for Commission meetings

Perschbacher announced that this was the first meeting where commissioners and audience members were able to choose whether to wear their masks or not when attending the meeting. 

“I'd like to remind everyone that we, in Isabella County, are still very low in the vaccination rates,” Perschbacher said. “We do appreciate everyone's views (and) we respect how people feel about this. When it comes down to it, it's your own personal decision.”

The Mount Pleasant City Commission meets on the second and fourth Monday of every month at City Hall located at 320 W Broadway St.
