MASS announces continuation of I AM ANTIRACIST series with panel, presentations

The Office of Multicultural Academic Student Services (MASS) announced its continuation of the I AM ANTIRACIST campaign by transitioning from awareness to action.
“We wanted to move the conversation away from ‘what is it?’,” MASS Interim Assistant Director Wade Tomson said. “Because that’s been the conversation for the past year.”
The campus-wide collaborative series will focus on learning how to welcome students with an anti-racist perspective.
“What we’re really excited about is the fact that this is a true cross campus initiative in the sense that we have representation from all over campus,” Tomson said.
Each of seven events throughout the semester will feature a presentation by a university office including Central Michigan University Admissions, Office of Residence Life and the Leadership Institute.
“(Admissions) is the first way that students connect with CMU,” Tomson said. “Then we move on to the volunteer center – and they’re going to talk about centering our volunteerism away from white savior ship.”
All but one of the events will consist of a presentation and workshop with activities, tips and tricks designed by each presenting office.
A panel on April 13 will include voices from academics, athletics, student retention and other areas of campus. Tomson said panel speakers have not yet been confirmed.
Campaign event details are below:
Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2022
Admissions and Orientation
2 p.m.
Bovee UC Auditorium
Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022
Volunteer Center
6 p.m.
Bovee UC Auditorium
Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2022
Office of Residence Life
3:30 p.m.
Bovee UC Terrace Rooms
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Institute for Transformative Dialogue
1 p.m. for students
2 p.m. for faculty/staff
Bovee UC Auditorium
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Leadership Institute
4 p.m.
Bovee UC Auditorium
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Faculty/Staff Panel
3 p.m.
Park Library Auditorium
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Office of Diversity and Education
4 p.m.
Bovee UC Auditorium
Launched last spring, the I AM ANTRACIST campaign is planning their second book fair later this semester.