Adobe Digital Lounge hosts open house

As a part of the Creative Campus program, Central Michigan University's Charles V. Park Library has opened an educational, creative and collaborative workspace known as the Adobe Digital Lounge, using all of the software Adobe has to offer.
Located in room 212 of the Charles V. Park Library, this space gives students a place to make use of the Adobe Creative Software with work areas, a green screen, a professional sound recording booth, and hands-on help from student and faculty Adobe Suite experts.
“We’re here for people to gather and talk about projects, a place to brainstorm,” said Ann Kucera, systems librarian and coordinator of the Adobe Digital Lounge. “Students can come in and ask questions of people who know and can kind of coach you through.”
Although this location opened at the beginning of the fall 2021 semester, CMU Libraries held an open house from 1-4 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 27.
The open house was held as an opportunity for people to be introduced to the lounge and all of its many purpose workspaces. At the event, there was hands-on activities, cookies, Adobe funded giveaways and a raffle.
"Collaboration could be great with a space to actually produce," Justin Liburd, a senior and musician said. "Being able to get out and have a space to meet really lifts people's spirits as well, especially now,"
The staffed hours currently go as follows
- Sunday-Wednesday 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.
- Thursday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
- Friday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Saturday is currently unstaffed
These hours may change as more information is gathered on what hours are needed the most. The Lounge will be majority student-operated with the ability to call upon other library faculty or OIT professionals for any needed assistance.
“Having the software is one thing but having somebody who knows how to use it is so helpful, so we have some students already helping with that,” Kucera said. She also said that she can often be found in the room to offer assistance as needed.
Adobe has assisted universities in this process by offering workshops and holding conferences to allow students to expand their knowledge of the software applications.
CMU partnered with Adobe last fall to become an Adobe Creative Campus, allowing students access to the suite of creative cloud-based programs such as Photoshop, Acrobat, Audition and more. CMU is one of only two colleges in the state participating in this program.
"Not just the ability and space to be creative but having people help us through the process, it's super helpful and I can't wait to be in here," said junior Javari Flie.