City commission passes ballot initiative for increase in marijuana businesses
The city commission discussed a resolution regarding a petition to increase the number of recreational marijuana retailers permitted in Mount Pleasant in their July 26 meeting. Six commissioners were present with Commissioner Lori Gillis absent.
The petition discussed was to get an amendment to the “Recreational Marihuana Establishments” ordinance, which would change the maximum number of marijuana retailers in Mount Pleasant from three to 10, onto the ballot of the upcoming Nov. 2 election.
Currently, two of the three licenses are held by Lume Cannabis Co., who have several locations around Michigan.
Five people spoke on this issue in the public comment section, all in support of the amendment.
Summer Skylar Peggy, a recent graduate from Central Michigan University and a professional in the cannabis industry spoke to the commission.
“Because of this decision to award Lume two out of three of the recreational licenses available, Consano, specifically the only locally owned cannabis dispensary in Mount Pleasant, has had their profitability stifled in favor of a corporation that is owned by the son of the owner of Belle Tire that is set to open 30+ storefronts in Michigan. There's only one Consano.”
Consano is a medical marijuana provisioning center in Mount Pleasant that applied for a recreational license and was denied.
“I've said it before and I will say it again, please do the right thing,” said Consano owner Deborah Caery. “Because the number of licenses available never had anything to do with controlling the number of businesses to keep Mount Pleasant, quote unquote, “from becoming another Bay City.” It had to do with who would have control of the market.”
The commission passed the ballot initiative 5-1 with Commissioner Tolas as the dissenting vote.
Other business
- The commission passed an update to the liquor license policy that would help local businesses get licenses and adopt a $250 application fee. The resolution passes 6-0.
- The commission passed an application license extension request from Lowkey Propperties LLC. 5-1, with Commissioner Tolas as the dissenting vote.