Davies announces COVID-19 restrictions will continue on campus
In an email on Monday, President Bob Davies announced that Central Michigan University will continue to require masks and physical distancing in certain spaces on campus.
These spaces include classrooms where all individuals must wear masks, including those who are vaccinated. Large indoor gatherings will require masks, as well as public and open areas that are indoors.
“While we are excited to see reductions in the numbers of positive cases and COVID-related deaths nationwide, we recognize that the pandemic is not over and that COVID-19, especially its new variants, remains a threat for our campus and community,” Davies said.
In his email, Davies said Isabella County and the surrounding counties are only at 40% vaccination rate and that people age 16-29 are behind in vaccination rates.
According to recent data from the Central Michigan District Health Department, Isabella County has the highest rate of confirmed cases out of the six counties covered by the department. These cases include patients with a permanent address outside of Isabella County.
A list of restrictions on campus is available on the Health and Safety website.
“We will continue to closely monitor changes, evaluate our circumstances and adapt our plans and practices accordingly,” Davies said. “As we do, we will keep you updated with email communications and through our Fired Up for Summer website.”