Fresh Food Company full-time staff quarantining after COVID-19 exposure
Fresh Food Company full-time employees are currently quarantining while contact tracing takes place after a staff member tested positive for COVID-19.
In an April 3 message to full-time staff members at Merrill Residential Restaurant, Merrill Food Service Director Jane Wilsher informed her staff that Campus Dining would be consolidating service.
Full-time staff members were told to report to Fresh Food Company instead of Merrill Residential Restaurant beginning April 5.
"The decision was made by the university as Fresh Food Company is a large, seven-day operation with the capacity to serve multiple communities while maintaining social distancing," Wilsher said.
Fresh Food Company will remain open. Merrill Residential Restaurant is closed until further notice.
"While we understand this poses a minor inconvenience to South Community residents with a brief walk to Fresh Food Company to use their meal swipes, we are committed to offering the safest dining experience possible during these unprecedented times," the university said in a note to students in residence halls.
Glass Lake sophomore Natalie Schneider, a campus dining employee, said student employees at Merrill Residential Restaurant were given a choice to work at Fresh Food Company. However, they were not told why the decision to close Merrill Residential Restaurant was made.
CM Life is working to gather and verify more information.