SGA inaugurates the King-Baker administration

Kate King and Dylan Baker were inaugurated as Central Michigan University's Student Government Association's new president and vice president on April 12 over Facebook Live.
Speeches from the incoming administration were cut out of this year's inauguration ceremony. The transition period from the Prebelich-McDonald administration to the new King-Baker administration was extended. For this reason, as well as the ceremony being held virtually, SGA decided to keep the ceremony short and have no speeches given by King or Baker.
"This year's transition period is different," SGA's Director or External Affairs, Kiah Anderson said. "The two administrations are co-leading at the moment."
The King-Baker administration will be able to express its leadership as the semester continues. For now, however, the two administrations will work together as King and Baker get settled.
The ceremony was opened by President Bob Davies giving a speech about SGA. He thanked the exiting Prebelich-McDonald administration for everything they have accomplished during their time as president and vice-president of SGA.
"Thank you for being leaders at Central Michigan University, and representing the students in such a fine fashion," President Davies said. "Your work does not go unnoticed."
Davies said he looks forward to working with the new administration. He believes they will do a great job leading and representing the student body at CMU.
"I look forward to working with all of you out for the betterment of Central Michigan University over the next year, and I know that we will work well together and communicate and be strong," Davie said.
Katie Prebelich, former SGA president, gave a few words to close out the ceremony. Prebelich, along with former Vice President Brandon McDonald, said she had a great year working and serving the student body.
"We're just so excited for this next administration to take over and can't wait to see all the great work that they do," Prebelich said.
Awards were given at the ceremony to outstanding members of their committees. The awards recipients are as follows:
Diversity Outstanding Committee Member: Makenna Litteral
Sustainability Outstanding Committee Member: Emily Korte
Academic Affairs Outstanding Committee Member: Joseph Monetta
Outreach Outstanding Committee Member: Sammy Garza
Governmental Affairs Outstanding Committee Member: Anna Robinette
SGA's 2020-2021 leadership was also awarded. The awards and their recipients are as follows:
Outstanding Organizational Member: former vice president Brandon McDonald
Outstanding Cabinet Member: Chief of Staff Chloe Ilacqua
Outstanding Senate Member: Senator Ramiro Garcia
Outstanding House Member: House Representative Nova Moore
A new award for SGA was introduced. The award is for Outstanding Dedication and the recipient was Governmental Affairs Committee Chair Max Ranger.
Applications for King and Baker's executive cabinet will open up next week. Students interested in being a part of the cabinets can fin the applications on SGA's Engage Central page.