SGA passes gender-inclusive housing, revised CMU mission statement bills

SGA Senate Leader Nolan Kamoo ends discussion on the gender-inclusive housing bill during an SGA meeting via WebEx on March 29, 2021.
Central Michigan University's Student Government Association passed two articles of legislation through the House and Senate with little discussion during a meeting March 29 via WebEx.
The gender-inclusive housing piece would allow students to have easier access to inclusive housing through co-ed dorms and inclusive LGBT dorms. Students regardless of identity could choose whether they want to be roommates with someone who is LGBT and someone who is not, and if they want the option to be co-ed.
The gender-inclusive housing legislation passed through the Senate unanimously, while the House had a strong majority with only two nays.
SGA Senator Gabby Hugo said she supported the legislation's research and how it upholds the university's values.
"The message is super good to the values of the university," Hugo said. "It is a really good reflection of how the university views their accommodations to diversity."
The mission statement legislation would revise CMU's current statement.
“At Central Michigan University, we strive to be a sustainable, diverse, equitable, and inclusive community committed to the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, discovery, and creativity," the revised first sentence read.
The original statement read: "At Central Michigan University, we are a community committed to the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, discovery, and creativity."
It passed without discussion unanimously in both chambers.
Students can vote in the SGA executive board election here. (Update tomorrow, for some reason the link is down right now)
Any student interested in proposing legislation have until April 12. The last SGA meeting is on April 26.
EDITOR'S NOTE: A previous version of the story regarded the gender-inclusive housing legislation as providing the option co-ed dorms. It was edited to clarify that it has co-ed and inclusive LGBT dorms.