SGA passes final resolutions of academic year

The House and Senate of Central Michigan University's Student Government Association in fall 2019. (Courtesty of SGA)

Two pieces of legislation were passed by Central Michigan University’s Student Government Association on Tuesday night via electronic vote.

Because of CMU’s coronavirus closure, the two resolutions were the last to be voted on this academic year; no more will be introduced.

A resolution to reinstate last year’s hours for the Bovee University Center, the Student Activity Center and the on-campus dining halls passed by a vote of 28-1 with two abstentions in the House and unanimously in the Senate.

The resolution, authored by governmental affairs committee chair Ashlyn Pinter, seeks to push back the closing hour of the UC and SAC from 10 p.m. to midnight Sunday through Thursday. It also seeks to restore last year’s dining hall hours, which were shortened by a half-hour this year.

Another resolution to protect the right of students to freely join registered student organizations passed in the House by a vote of 27-2 with two abstentions in the House and unanimously in the Senate.

This resolution, authored by academic affairs committee chair Brandon McDonald and On the Rox A Capella representative Chloe Ilacqua, was written in response to music faculty enforcing an “unwritten rule” prohibiting first-year vocal students from participating in a capella RSO’s. The rule impacted recruitment rates for student a capella organizations, according to the resolution.

The voting window for SGA’s presidential election is open until Friday, April 3. You can vote on Engage Central here.
