Mayor: College Students Play a Major Role in the Census

Mayor Will Joseph congratulates a graduate of the Mount Pleasant Citizens' Academy April 22 at City Hall.

College Students Play a Major Role in the Census 

COVID-19 has forced us to adapt, reminded us of the important societal structures that keep us safe and healthy, and the civic duty needed to support them. A very important aspect is the role college students play in the 2020 Census. College towns across the country depend on students’ responses to the census and the City of Mt. Pleasant is no different. As a student, you use and benefit from critical resources such as healthcare facilities, Pell Grant funding, roadways and public safety services. Your census response helps determine the funding of these services as well as the amount of representation CMU and Mt. Pleasant has in Lansing and Washington D.C. over the next 10 years. In addition, data from the census helps shape future retail and dining options for you and future CMU Chippewas. 

The Census Bureau has stated if you typically reside in Mt. Pleasant to attend Central Michigan University you should be counted in Mt. Pleasant. If you would have resided on campus on April 1, you are already counted, and there are no additional steps you need to take. If you reside or would have resided off-campus on April 1 you need to fill out the short Census online questionnaire. This confidential form can be found by visiting You can complete the Census form for all individuals who were, or would have been living in your house or apartment on April 1. The on-line form takes less than 10 minutes to complete. 

If your parents included you on their census forms at their residences you can still fill out your Census form stating where you would have been living on April 1. The Census Bureau will analyze the data to ensure there are no duplicate counts and make sure you count where you reside for school. 

If you have already completed the census, thank you! Please tell your friends, family, neighbors and classmates to do the same. If you have not already completed the census, please perform your civic duty today – your community and future CMU students are counting on you. 

Mayor William Joseph
