Crime Log: Employee resigns after embezzling over $700 from university

A police cruiser sits outside the Central Michigan University Police Department building on Oct. 28. (Melissa Frick | Senior Reporter)
The following incidents were among those handled by the Central Michigan University Police Department from Jan. 7 to Feb. 2.
Jan. 7
A 20-year-old woman was turned to the Office of Student Conduct by CMUPD for larceny after she was caught taking an object from a construction site at 8:45 p.m. on Denison and Three Leaves drives. An officer observed the woman walk near the construction site and leave with a construction barricade. CMUPD did not pursue criminal charges.
Jan. 14
A 37-year-old man contacted CMU police via Facebook to report an alleged overseas security risk. Officers advised the man that crimes should not be reported to university police through social media, and the man reportedly directed himself to federal agencies to report the allegation.
Jan. 15
University police responded to an aggravated assault incident around 1:30 a.m. in front of the Bovee University Center, 103 E. Preston St. A 27-year-old man reportedly pulled a knife out during an argument with three pedestrians who were throwing snowballs at the man's car. The man left the scene before police arrived, but turned himself in to CMUPD several days later. The man was charged with aggravated assault.
CMUPD investigated a case of retail fraud at the CMU Bookstore, which reportedly occurred at 4 p.m. on Jan. 13. A 19-year-old woman reportedly took $50 worth of art supplies from the store. Store employees identified the woman and reported her to police, but decided not to press criminal charges. The stolen items were recovered and the incident was turned over to the Office of Student Conduct.
CMU police responded to a call of a disorderly individual at 3:30 p.m. at an office complex located at 2480 W Campus Dr. Officers encountered a juvenile who was reportedly acting disorderly and determined his demeanor was medically related. There were no charges or arrests made.
Jan. 17
A 19-year-old man in Cobb Hall called CMU police around 11 a.m. after he was reportedly assaulted by his roommate's mother. The man told police that the 34-year-old woman yelled at him and poked his chin with two of her fingers. There were no injuries, and the man decided not to press criminal charges against the woman.
Jan. 20
CMU police received a report of third-degree criminal sexual conduct that reportedly occurred on Oct. 26, 2019, at the Marriott Hotel, 2400 East Campus Dr. The incident remains under investigation.
Jan. 21
A CMU employee resigned after she reportedly made $749 worth of unauthorized transactions on a university credit card. The credit card transactions reportedly were made throughout the fall semester. The female staff member reportedly had embezzled money from the university in the past, but previously claimed it was a mistake, said Lt. Mike Sienkiewicz, of CMUPD. After being interviewed by CMUPD, the woman resigned from CMU and agreed to deduct the charges from her last paycheck. CMU reportedly attempted to press charges against the woman, but the prosecutor’s office declined the case because the stolen money was returned to the university. CMUPD did not identify the female employee because the case remains under investigation.
Jan. 22
A 26-year-old man was issued a misdemeanor citation for driving with an expired license and no insurance after a traffic stop at 1:11 p.m. near 722 E. Preston St.
Jan. 23
University police responded to a case of retail fraud around 3 p.m. after an 18-year-old woman was caught stealing $140 worth of textbooks from the CMU Bookstore, 103 E. Preston St. The woman was caught on camera leaving the store with stolen textbooks, and police identified her through a credit card purchase. The woman was charged with a misdemeanor and will appear in court Tuesday, Feb. 11.
Jan. 25
CMU police assisted the county sheriff’s office with a drunk driving arrest at 3:05 a.m. at Jamestown Apartments, 4075 S Isabella Road. A 21-year-old man was found passed out behind the front wheel of a running car in the parking lot and arrested for operating under the influence of liquor.
A 24-year-old man was arrested and charged for trespassing and disorderly conduct after he was found urinating in a back-room sink at 12:20 p.m. at 7-Eleven, 302 W Broomfield St. Store employees told police that the man had done the same thing less than 24 hours before. During his arrest, the man told police that he “really had to go.” The man was not found to be intoxicated.
Jan. 27
University police were dispatched to the Bovee University Center at 1:24 p.m. after a 19-year-old woman reported that an individual had made suspicious contact with her. The situation was later determined to be a misunderstanding.
Jan. 28
A 52-year-old man was arrested for retail fraud at 12:02 a.m. at Ric's Food Center, 705 S Mission St. University police were dispatched to the store after an employee witnessed the man stealing $68 worth of merchandise. The suspect was reportedly uncooperative with police, which led to a physical altercation where officers handcuffed the man. The man was sent to the hospital to be treated for his injuries and then arrested. Mount Pleasant police assisted university police at the scene.
Jan. 29
A 22-year-old woman was arrested for driving without valid insurance and obstructing police after a traffic stop at 3:58 p.m. on W. Broomfield and East Campus Drive. The woman reportedly provided police with insurance that could not be verified electronically or with the insurance company. The woman was reportedly uncooperative with police, refusing to get out of the vehicle and pushing the officer’s hands away. Police used force to remove the woman from the car and she was arrested and taken to Isabella County Jail.
Jan. 30
A 22-year-old woman reported several encounters with an unidentified man who made her feel uneasy at the Bovee University Center, 103 E. Preston St. The woman called CMU police at 3:41 p.m. to report the man, who could not be identified through video surveillance.
Jan. 31
CMU police are investigating a fraud case reported by a 19-year-old woman at 8:49 a.m. from 300 E. Ojibway Ct. The case, which remains open, reportedly involves fraudulent checks the woman had received.
Feb. 1
University police were dispatched to Wayside Central, 2000 S. Mission St., after a fight broke out in the parking lot around 2 a.m. When officers arrived, a 23-year-old man was being held down by Wayside staff after he reportedly punched a staff member in the face. The man refused to cooperate with police and reportedly would not put his hands behind his back. There were no injuries in the incident, and the man was arrested and taken to Isabella County Jail on charges of obstructing police and disorderly conduct. Deputies from the Isabella County Sheriff’s Office assisted CMU police at the scene.
Feb. 2
CMU police were contacted by local hospital staff at 11:45 a.m. to assist a man who reportedly had gotten into a physical fight with his roommate in Trout Hall. The man did not wish to pursue criminal charges against the roommate, and the incident was referred to the Office of Student Conduct.