Sigma Chi fraternity temporarily suspended during investigation of hazing complaint

The Zeto Rho chapter of Sigma Chi has been temporarily suspended by Central Michigan University during the investigation of a hazing complaint.
The Sigma Chi fraternity chapter at Central Michigan University has been temporarily suspended pending an investigation of a hazing complaint.
The university received a complaint of potential hazing from a student on Monday, Nov. 11, said Shaun Holtgreive, interim associate vice president of Student Affairs. That same day, CMU sent a letter to Sigma Chi's international and local advising, as well as the CMU chapter president, notifying the fraternity that it was temporarily suspended.
Because the investigation is ongoing, the university cannot reveal any details about the hazing complaint. Holgreive said he is unsure when the university's investigation will be complete.
"Our first concern is the safety of our students, so we take these extremely seriously," Holtgreive said. "We will investigate this until we’re comfortable that we have all the information we need to make a decision."
Once the university's investigation is complete, the Office of Student Conduct will sit down with the fraternity and present its concerns, Holtgreive said. The fraternity will then have the option to either accept those concerns as facts, after which the office could impose a sanction, or the fraternity could choose to go to a hearing.
As far as Holtgrieve is aware, there have not been any formal complaints issued to the university regarding Sigma Chi in the past.
According to the university's Greek Life website, 10 fraternities and sororities have lost recognition at CMU in the past five years, although some continue to operate underground despite having lost recognition from the university.