EDITORIAL: Racism and sexism cannot be tolerated
A hateful message was written on a whiteboard hanging on a residence hall door in Sweeney on the evening of Nov. 7.
The message, which was shared on social media by three young, hurt students is unacceptable. To the three women involved who had to endure this senseless personal attack: Please know that we stand with you. We believe you. We support you.
We, the student body of Central Michigan University, condemn this behavior. We will all do everything we can to make sure you and all other students feel safe, included and accepted on campus.
In response to the hateful message, President Bob Davies sent a message to everyone on campus. "Many leaders, offices and teams across campus are involved in investigating this, determining our next steps and supporting those affected and our entire university community," Davies' email read.
Unfortunately, due to the lack of cameras throughout residences halls, it will be difficult to find the perpetrator. We urge the person who wrote the comment to come forward, accept responsibility and learn from your mistake.
Simply not engaging in hateful and racist behavior is not enough. Being a bystander and allowing people to treat others with hate is just as bad as doing it yourself. If you know who wrote this comment, please contact the Office of Civil Rights and Institutional Equity at ocrie@cmich.edu or (989) 774-3253.
Unless we confront issues such as this, this behavior will continue.
We need to come together, as Chippewas, and fight against hatred and racism.