EDITORIAL: Never let anyone say you can’t do it: Gaia Herrick is an inspiration to all Chippewas
Throughout your life, you were most likely taught to never give up. Sometimes, that’s easier said than done.
No matter your struggle — physical, mental, internal or external – we all think about quitting or giving up.
Athens junior Gaia Herrick is a perfect example of someone who doesn't let obstacles stop her from fulfilling her dreams.
On Sept. 20, we published a story about Herrick and her story about how this talented musician didn't let muscular dystrophy stop her from becoming a member of the Marching Chips.
Muscular dystrophy is a degenerative neuromuscular disorder where genetic mutations interrupt the production of proteins. That means Herrick uses a wheelchair to get around. In marching band it means that another band member pushes her on the field while she performs.
She, and the people who support her, don’t allow her disability to stop her from pursuing her passion for performing music with the Marching Chips.
“The biggest thing I tell people with disabilities or anyone with obstacles in their life is to just keep pushing. Never let anyone say you can’t do it,” she said.
Herrick began playing clarinet in middle school. She was excited to participate in the marching band when she got to high school. That was until she realized they wouldn’t accommodate her disability.
Herrick transferred to nearby Climax-Scotts High School where she met band director and 2009 CMU graduate Ryan Cupp. He not only welcomed Herrick into the marching band, he also personally wrote the marching band formations around her. Why? Cupp saw the passion Herrick has for music first hand.
“I require my students to practice for a certain amount of time each month,” Cupp said, “Gaia undoubtedly practiced more than any other student I’ve had, toppling over 10,000 minutes in one semester.”
While the timing in your life might feel like nothing’s going to work out, keep pushing on. Keep fighting for what you love and believe in.
Chippewas should take Herrick as an example of always preserving no matter the challenges life throws at you. Herrick's story shows us how we can overcome our struggles and succeed no matter the adversity you face: work hard, don't give up and never let anyone tell you that you can't fulfill your dreams.