CMU President George Ross thanks community in letter, reminds campus of available resources

CMU President George E. Ross speaks during a press conference in the Bovee University Center about the shooting in Campbell Hall and the capture of suspect James Eric Davis, Jr. on March 3.
Central Michigan University President George Ross released a letter today thanking members of the campus community for their efforts following a double homicide March 2 in Campbell Hall.
James Eric Davis Sr. and Diva Jeneen Davis were killed in a shooting at about 8:30 a.m. March 2 on the fourth floor of Campbell Hall. Their son, 19-year-old sophomore James Eric Davis Jr., is the suspect who was apprehended after midnight March 3.
In his letter, Ross extended the university's "deepest sympathies" to the Davis family. He said CMU's campus on March 2 was "the site of a traumatic incident."
"As we have so often before, our campus and our community came together yesterday," Ross said. "I commend each of you for your actions to ensure campus safety, to apprehend the suspect and to support each other throughout the day.
"We talk often about One CMU. Yesterday, we lived it."
Ross thanked law enforcement and those who helped keep the campus community safe. Police endured a 15-hour manhunt that ended in the arrest of Davis Jr. near railroad tracks north of campus.
In his letter, Ross said the more than 100 law enforcement personnel who helped keep the campus community safe "became part of (the CMU) family yesterday."
"Each of you, in your own way, upheld and expanded the strong sense of community that makes Central Michigan University and Mount Pleasant so special," Ross said. "Your responses have proven once again that communities have boundless strength … which gives all of us hope for the future."
Ross said the support the community has shared since the shooting will be important in the days, weeks and months to come.
"Together, we will begin to heal," Ross said.
University Communications released a reminder of the resources available to the community. They are:
- Students seeking counseling services during Spring Break may contact the Listening Ear crisis line, a local, 24-hour referral line at 989-772-2918.
- The CMU Counseling Center, located in Foust 102, is open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and can be contacted at 989-774-3381. Students can call or come to the center to make an appointment. Appointments are available daily for concerns requiring immediate attention.
- Individuals who have concerns about the emotional well-being of a member of the CMU community may submit a Care Report.
- Employee assistance through Encompass is available 24/7 at 800-788-8630 and online.
Ross said at a March 3 press conference that more Counseling Center staff will be available when students return from spring break.
Davis Jr. is being treated at a local hospital and will be lodged in the Isabella County Jail after medical clearance.