Academic Organizational Review recommendations include renaming colleges, disbanding departments
No changes to the College of Business Administration or the College of Medicine were recommended

Students and faculty come together to discuss academic reorganization on Nov. 10 in the Park Library Auditorium.
Creating new departments, renaming colleges and adding a new administrative position are just some of the suggestions made in committee reports put forward for the Academic Organizational Review.
The documents published Jan. 29 can be found on the Central Michigan University website, under the Strategic Planning dropdown menu. Listed are an overview of the review process, Provost Michael Gealt’s plan to reorganize academic divisions, academic division organizational charts and the three separate committee’s individual recommendations.
Also available are dean comments, in response to proposals made by Committee I: Departments and Colleges. The only colleges to receive no preliminary recommendations are the College of Medicine and the College of Business Administration.
Notable recommendations include changing the name of the College of Humanities and Social and Behavioral Sciences to the Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and dividing departments like Mathematics or Communication and Dramatic Arts into more specific focuses. Committee II: Academic Support also recommended continuing to “develop recommendations to provide students and CMU employees with improved counseling services,” in accordance to an increase in noted counseling needs.
The Academic Organizational Review is a part of the 2017-2022 Strategic Plan, aimed at updating departments and colleges to more accurately prepare students for life after university. The last organizational review was done more than 20 years ago, and resulted in the creation of three colleges.