Greek Week offers a way to help

Grand Blanc junior Landy Hill,left, and Berrien Springs senior Hannah Hoffman,right, greet incoming guests during the Alpha Chi Omega Spaghetti Dinner on March 22 at the Alpha Chi Omega sorority house located at 916 S. Main St.
Most college campuses host an annual Greek Week, but Max Sarvello of Sigma Pi said CMU’s event is especially fulfilling because of its community and philanthropic based focus.
“At (other schools), they do a Greek Week purely for publicity reasons, where here it’s something much more that’s in our hearts,” said the Sterling Heights senior and Greek Week chairperson.
Dedication to making a difference in the community and helping people in need is why many students get involved with Greek organizations at CMU. In addition to being part of a close-knit society, students can establish an outlet that fulfills the desire to devote their efforts to charity.
Beyond education, college is a time for students to go through self-development and figure out how to “put their stamp on the world,” said David Wong, a member of Beta Theta Pi and Greek Week chairman.
For the Greek community, that “stamp” looks like philanthropy and community service, the Clinton Township senior said.
As students are discovering themselves and their path, Wong said the university bombards them with so many events and programs, their options are sometimes overwhelming. Greek sponsored philanthropy events are critical therefore, because it offers those who want to help but have difficulty finding the time, an opportunity.
“You may not have that time for service, but maybe you have a little change in your wallet,” he said. “That can go a lot further than doing nothing.”