Students hypnotized at Program Board's Cards Against Hypnosis
The auditorium was filled with laughter as more than 20 Central Michigan University students sat on stage in a sleep-like state, shivering and rocking back in forth in their chairs.
The laughter continued as the students wrapped themselves around the person next to them in an attempt to keep warm in the “subzero temperatures.”
Program Board hosted Cards Against Hypnosis with David Hall on Jan. 12 in the Plachta Auditorium.
“I wish I had been to more events like this and I wish I had raised my hand to participate in the show. Tonight, was fun but it looked like fun to be up there.” said Mount Pleasant senior, Kris Kohler.
Cards Against Hypnosis is a heavily audience-participation show. Hall threw a foam Frisbee into the crowd and the student who caught it was dealt two large cards. One was a black card with a suggestion followed by a white card with two possible scenarios. This determines what the hypnotized participants, or “stars of the show,” will be doing.
More than 220 students attended Cards Against Hypnosis, which was the first Program Board event of the semester.
“For me, it’s all about interacting with the audience,” Hall said. “I really wanted a fun, simple way to interact with as much of the audience as possible.”
Cards Against Hypnosis is a relatively new show for Hall. He has been performing stage hypnosis for 10 years, but has only been performing Cards Against Hypnosis for about a year.
The show ended with 16 of the 21 students still hypnotized and in a dance contest to “win a full ride scholarship.” Different dance styles were called out and the students immediately reacted by dancing in that style. In a surprise twist, all participants “won the scholarship.”
The stage was full of students screaming, hugging, and crying. Two students ripped off their sweatshirts in excitement.
“My favorite part about doing this show is making people laugh and smile and have fun,” Hall said. “It’s just a really good energy that everyone has. It’s really great to see people let go and be silly.”